Take a look @ Super Lemon Haze

Super lemon haze

soil, 250w hps, Very light nutes almost none, tiger bloom.

I honestly dont know how long its been but id at least 8++ weeeks lol

just checked with my micro scope just before the pics were taken. some clear but alot of cloudy and a small amount of amber.

what do you guys think? how much longer? my first SLH so im not %100 sure.

Smells so damn good, lemony with some light spicyness.



Misguided Angel
Not ready yet, looks like another week or maybe more to me. The hairs need to start reddening off and receding into the bud, I don't even bother to check my trics until this happens. Looks good, nice job!


Well-Known Member
SLH can go almost 11 weeks, yours still look a little airy; I would say at least 10 days.

If you have some patience and do not have a need to harvest quickly give it the full 11 weeks and you'll be very happy with the smoke pending a good cure.

I just found some Lemon Skunk I had curing for almost 4 months and it's fantastic.

Thanks guys, I've had good a sativa's only a coupe times so I'm going to try my best to not chop early and give it a least a week before a test smoke. But man I wish I could send the smell to you guys.



Active Member
IMO take her as far as u want friend of mine had same setup but fucking douch didnt want to pot her up so had like a 2 liter pot so yield wasnt that good but motherfucking dammn this shit was dank I will ask him if we cross ways again for how long he flowered them but I am sure 12weeks + probably but one toke of a joint and u didnt even exhale and u could already feel " dammn the fuck this shit is strong" (we rarely have that potent weed here..to be honest most potent I ever toked couldn't even top it in adam)


Active Member
I can still see a lot of white hairs on that cola. Looks like 1 more week, wait until the hairs brown and recede into the calyx. Looking real good..
Green house seeds, this is the first seed ive popped and the genetics are the best ive ever had. im only flowing with a 250w hps. Trics are just everywhere, checked them yesterday its kinda hard to tell but still a mix a clear/cloudy with some very light amber.


Well-Known Member
Two more weeks with nutes, than check back, if you harvest too early the buds wont cure to anything other than a hay smell. You are doing a fantastic job, also after everyone agress it is time flush it and let it sit another week.


Well-Known Member
I grew one out a while back, and I let mine go until day 62 of 12/12. It was some fire. It was a freebie from Attitude. I bought 5 more just because it was so good and easy to grow. Yours looks great by the way. I think you could harvest it now it you wanted. I'm sure it would be better if you let it go a little longer though. Good luck!