takeing to long to thickin up


6 7 weeks in and still no nice fat buds i think they will go mad soon but lets see what overs think


Well-Known Member
ive read on some posts that a plant might not bud as quickly if it has a low amount of Nitrogen in its flowering stage. It is important to still give Nitrogen but not excess amounts. I cant really cite this info but maybe this is whats doing it? other things might include proper rooting/transplanting. If a plant hasn't gotten to its full maturity before it flowers it may also take a little longer than normal. Again this is just info i've picked up. Please correct me if im wrong


They had 2 month in veg u just never no when it comes to cuttings they need to hurry up gt 48 big budda cuts to go in they have rooted like mad doing them no good being in provagator


Well-Known Member
could u take a close up of one of the top colas/buds and would be great if u could do this away from the hps,


Active Member
It looks like u stunted them so that could be the reason for not thickening up but sativas take longer than indacas to mature hang in there u will b rewarded


Well-Known Member
Get way more light to make the bud develop. You have a lot of light already but way too much canopy for what you are running. Damned nice looking plants!!!!! +rep for doing it well.


I a na mate but only gt 1 socket in the room its 2 much 3 lights 8 inch cf 4 fans already useing 2 heavey duty extensions
done it for years a do think they will thicking soon just fort a would get few apinions on them a think one more light would be a bit dodgey (fires blowouts etc)
(My response is speaking by the pictures online. I can't really see the light arrangement, what type (size/shape/etc) hoods you have are and still didn't mention the exact # of plants there.)

Rather than get another light, I'd just reduce your plant count. You'll end up with more flowers with less plants getting the right amount of light, rather than more plants not getting enough light. Hell it's only the beginning of September, throw a few outside.

As far as fire risk if you add more light. One line running 2 ballasts (unless it's 100% dedicated), plus extension cords all over. That is sketchy already. I will run an extension to a T5, that's about it.


Well-Known Member
ive read on some posts that a plant might not bud as quickly if it has a low amount of Nitrogen in its flowering stage. It is important to still give Nitrogen but not excess amounts. I cant really cite this info but maybe this is whats doing it? other things might include proper rooting/transplanting. If a plant hasn't gotten to its full maturity before it flowers it may also take a little longer than normal. Again this is just info i've picked up. Please correct me if im wrong
That actually sounds like a good explanation for my plants.
They have been outside since the middle of May, first showed signs of flower beginning of July, but still have about a month to go on my Indica, and more on my Sativa.
I had zero knowledge of what I was doing, and sprouted them under a 6/18 flour. tube fixture, about 4' up from them, and that is what they had until they went outside. About a month after that was when I decided they weren't going to die like my previous tries, and started reading about them.
By late August, they were very green and healthy, and I stopped giving nitrogen all together.
Last week, I started giving a little nitrogen again along with the regular stuff I give, because they started turning yellow, and within the last week I probably have gotten as much bud growth as I did in the prior 2 weeks.
Two words - Bat Guano.
Fox Farm "Big Bloom" is my stuff!

It's got bat shit, liquid worm castings, kelp meal - all kinds of good stuff. I think it's one of the best micro nutrients in existence. Their root drench is pretty bad ass too. It has many of the same ingredients plus like 60 strains of bacteria. WAY cheaper and more effective than Great White.


Not were a live.theres no sun all i no is there critcal mass small bushy as hell and woudent take any out thats a deffo not lol the lights ok the room for more if anything