Takin a hit?


Active Member
I was gitten stoned the other night and had a small but insignificant thought....How long or time period do u hold ur hit to get the most from ur toast....


Well-Known Member
long as i can.

we used to play "football" in school.....take 2 hits and hold, pass the blunt, continuing to hold until the "football" aka the blunt, joint, bong, weed---whatever... gets back to you....then exhale...


Well-Known Member
long as i can.

we used to play "football" in school.....take 2 hits and hold, pass the blunt, continuing to hold until the "football" aka the blunt, joint, bong, weed---whatever... gets back to you....then exhale...
we play the same game, me and my friends, but we call it something else and i forget the name we usually only play it when we are smoking dank crippy


Well-Known Member
sources, people sources....news and information are WORTHLESS without sources....

glad to know we have some bonafide doctors on here.....NOT!!!!!!!!!

until i see sources, links something....im chalking it up as STONER MYTHS n STORIES


Well-Known Member
while here id like to ask if anyone knows why eyes turn red and glazed and slanted when you smoke
but i do know why you get the munchies

Molecules called endocannabinoids, marijuanalike chemicals present in our own brain, bind receptors that are responsible for maintaining food intake. The chemicals from marijuana bind these receptors and cause the munchies. Sound complicated? Maybe you're too stoned too understand. Eat some cookie dough.


Well-Known Member
til u cough, or third inhale +4or5 secs. (u aint gettin as big a hit as u can if u take 1 drag. hold that bitch in til the 3rd suck, then as long as u feel neccesary)


Active Member
Dude, this shit wasn't even hard to find, comon people.

"A study done by a group of doctors in Canada at Dalhousie University, concluded that more than 90% of the THC is absorbed into the lungs within the first seconds of inhalation. Another study confirms this, but they put their number at 95% absorption. The 5-15% of THC that isn't absorbed is due to THC loss in trace smoke, or smoke that never enters the lungs."

More than 5+ seconds is bad for you.

Drug Detection Times @ Drug-Test-Facts.com


Active Member
Dude, this shit wasn't even hard to find, comon people.

"A study done by a group of doctors in Canada at Dalhousie University, concluded that more than 90% of the THC is absorbed into the lungs within the first seconds of inhalation. Another study confirms this, but they put their number at 95% absorption. The 5-15% of THC that isn't absorbed is due to THC loss in trace smoke, or smoke that never enters the lungs."

More than 5+ seconds is bad for you.

Drug Detection Times @ Drug-Test-Facts.com
And here just about every person I know that smokes weed or well, any type of drug for that matter, always would hold it in long as possible. Whoops :-D


Active Member
Yup. The THC is absorbed in the first couple of seconds. To answer your other question, your eyes go red because the blood vessles in your eyes contract.


Well-Known Member
Yup. The THC is absorbed in the first couple of seconds. To answer your other question, your eyes go red because the blood vessles in your eyes contract.
That 'fact' doesn't make sense - think about it. If blood vessels contract, there isn't much blood near the surface of the eye, so it would look whiter. However, vasodilation (vessels dilating) would probably cause this. I'm pretty sure it's largely an inflammatory response to smoke on the surface of the eye, but who knows eh? Stoner myths abound.

They should to a special stoner series of Mythbusters. That'd be awesome