takin off fan leaves..


Well-Known Member
Does removing (multiple)fan leaves do justice to hidden buds or does it shock the plant. Just finished week 4 of flower and plants look great, My roomate decided to rape one of them when I was away. Does removing mass leaves slow anything down or will it actually help bud growth. Not all the leaves are gone but the plant has deff been thinned out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Filla Kinex

Active Member
depends who you ask? some will say the fan leaves give the flowers energy. some will say by taking the fans off you let the plant get more light and circulation. my advice to you is try one plant one way and another the other and see what you think! hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
ya I stopped him in his tracks after the first one and told him to give it a few days and well see where its at. Just figured Id get some advice. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
Does removing (multiple)fan leaves do justice to hidden buds or does it shock the plant. Just finished week 4 of flower and plants look great, My roomate decided to rape one of them when I was away. Does removing mass leaves slow anything down or will it actually help bud growth. Not all the leaves are gone but the plant has deff been thinned out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I've done side by side comparisons by trimming some and not others. The ones with the fan leaves LEFT ON are the ones that yield best. The fan leaves store all the energy for your buds during flowering. Leave em alone. :)

If you want more light under your plants, buy a cheap bar flouro and that'll make less popcorn below and more good nugs during flowering.



Well-Known Member
sweet thanks for the advice I figured taking off all the leaves had to do something I mean they are there for a reason. I have a bunch of pictures im trying to put on but I think Im going to need a new usb for my camera. Ill post picks asap.


Well-Known Member
Yep, leave your leaves on. They are what collects the energy from the light, and removing them will just kill your bud growth. Trust me, I'm not parroting others, I found out this one the hard way. Whatever leaves she doesn't need, she'll drop all on her own.