Taking clones from unhealthy mothers Help!


Well-Known Member
I have been working with another "grower" to get some clones. (It's actually his girlfriend who is so sick of his shit she wants me to grow it so she can at least get some bud from me on a harvest.)

A little background, this guy has been vegging these 6 strains for about 8 months, he's pulled them out of flower twice, and they are only 18" tall (under a 1000w MH!!!) He keeps telling me he is trying to improve the 'genetics' of his plants (umm, maybe I'm wrong but you can't improve a plants genetics without breeding...) All of the plants have some kind of simple problems/deficiencies, ie. nitrogen dif on one, over watering on another. His grow tent fluctuates hugely in temp and humidity, and he has these wild ideas that it's trace mineral deficiencies that are making his plants not do well. On top of all this, they guy won't listen to a god damn word I say (ie, "go get some seaweed kelp if your worried about minerals" Him:"No way man, seaweed carried bacterial toxins, I want to keep me plants organic")

So I have been awaiting clones, he said (due to his GF's influence) that he would clone them all out, so i went over to get them, and this is what he tells me.
"I've got to tip all the plants over for 4 days, and let them all become nitrogen dif. before I clone any of these."

In essence on top of this guys ridicuous growing techniques (JUST GROW THE F*ING WEED DIPS*T) he wants to stress them to shit before he will give me clones.

I've got a total of 4 clones now, and they are rooting well, however I'm wondering how badly this will damage the plant in the long run? Has anyone had good results cloning off of unhealthy mothers?

Sorry this is a little venting, as well as a request for advice, should I just tell this guy to shove his shriveled little plants where the sun don't shine, or are they still viable plants to be putting in my garden.

The only reason I'm even dealing with this guy is because he has these really nice strains that I can get for free. However I think I may be setting myself up for more hassle then it's worth.

Your 2 cents?


Well-Known Member

Your plants will be fine. I still do not understand at all how, after 6 months under a 1000watt bulb, these plants can be so short.. Were they pruned?


Well-Known Member
DONT USE THOSE CLONES !!!!!! Your friend is a fuck stick.

I cant stress this enough,clones taken from unhealthy mothers do not turn into good plants all too often,most times the plant will have low harvest weights,small buds,loose buds,strange bud patterns,prone to blight & other illnesses,sick or stressed plants should never be used to bulk up or build a grow around.

This dick is tipping plants over ? Plus all the pulling the plants in & out of flower multiple times is neraly assured you a big batch of hermaphrodites.

People try to cut costs or think " free" means good,your grow is only gonna be good if you use your head & never act on a whim,plants need a routine & this blow job you have for a partner has desttoyed those plants,get new clones from somebody else & tell tha dick wad to beat it,next thing he will be doing is driving nails thru the stalks to produce more thc,or feeding them his girls birth control pills & jerkin off in the soil.

Your friend sucks.


Well-Known Member
DONT USE THOSE CLONES !!!!!! Your friend is a fuck stick.

I cant stress this enough,clones taken from unhealthy mothers do not turn into good plants all too often,most times the plant will have low harvest weights,small buds,loose buds,strange bud patterns,prone to blight & other illnesses,sick or stressed plants should never be used to bulk up or build a grow around.

This dick is tipping plants over ? Plus all the pulling the plants in & out of flower multiple times is neraly assured you a big batch of hermaphrodites.

People try to cut costs or think " free" means good,your grow is only gonna be good if you use your head & never act on a whim,plants need a routine & this blow job you have for a partner has desttoyed those plants,get new clones from somebody else & tell tha dick wad to beat it,next thing he will be doing is driving nails thru the stalks to produce more thc,or feeding them his girls birth control pills & jerkin off in the soil.

Your friend sucks.
LOL!!!!! This fuckstick froze some of his pregnant girlfriends pee "for growth hormones" and is planning on keeping his baby's first poop for the same reason. I just about shit my pants when I saw this post. Hilarious.

And yes he has done some pruning, (very stressful pruning) but it's not just that, he's just an idiot and thinks that growing weed is rocket science. My father has a doctorate in Botany, I think I know just a "little" more then him.

Edit: BTW this guy is not my partner, and I have a nice seed crop going now, and it's not necessary for these plants to come into my garden, I am more helping out his girlfriend then myself.


Well-Known Member
LOL, your friend sounds like another "know it all" that don't know shit.
Sounds like a good chance of hermaphrodites to me too. I wouldn't flower them with your seed crop.


Well-Known Member
Plus all the pulling the plants in & out of flower multiple times is neraly assured you a big batch of hermaphrodites.

not likely but for the most part i agree. i wouldnt waste my time with them.


Well-Known Member
He's a dipshit, but an up-right dude when it comes loyalty. His girlfriend is my wife's best friend, not much I can do there. And all of us are legal MMJ card carriers (I have mine for acute asthma, which allows a good number of plants for making oils out of it) so worst comes to worst they take my plants away, and I get a slap on the wrist. All of our housemates have their cards, and have talked to police before without repercussions.


Well-Known Member
*hi'gh. sorry about moving your thread out of AMC, but i feel you would get more in-regards to your Qs in this forum. thank you for posting @t RIU:joint:



Well-Known Member
you should bang his girlfriend and get her pregnant and tell him it's his kid, then he'll be stuck raising your baby while you're raising his babies.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have a real experience on cloning from a rough plant? I am very scientifically minded, and hoped I would get some responses from someone that has tried this before. Maybe someone has cloned a mother that was hurting, to make a new mother....


Well-Known Member
Anyone have a real experience on cloning from a rough plant? I am very scientifically minded, and hoped I would get some responses from someone that has tried this before. Maybe someone has cloned a mother that was hurting, to make a new mother....
Most people won't take from a sick mother. Cannabis cultivation 101.


Well-Known Member
If he doesn't have pm or mites (I got both bringing untreated clones into my garden) and you have no other recourse to acquiring the strains then go for it, you already have seeds coming up if they are better then you will let them go as new ones come in. It's not like you are throwing good plants out to make room for crappy clones from possibly good or elite genetic stock. Plus if you favor a particular strain and go through everything to grow, may as well grow what you like. Theres a chance these could never recover and make whorled leaf or susceptibility to disease and infestation, but you seem to be able to replace these if they are not worthy so I say why not.


Active Member
Just an experiment? Go to Walmart get Miracle Grow start indoor mix and wait and see. The included scoop is for 1 and 1/2 gallons 600ppm? I hate to throw a clone away so wife asks about what is in the grass? Just go pick the tomatoes!


Well-Known Member
Wonder Woman
Grape Ape
Purple Diesel
NY Diesel

I think there was one more but I can't remember. I've already got WW and Purple Diesel rooting in my cloning dome. They are all very distinctive looking and I can see the little plants trying to grow, it's just every time they get a break he goes back to stressing them. One experiment or another (without control groups... lol) he's always doing something to improve his non-existent yield.

Also I come from a botany family, and I grow only organics, and only from what I produce on my 9 acre farm. I have no need of miracle grow, or Forest Tree Farms, or any of that stuff. I do have huge compost piles full of goat and Chicken crap, as well as vegetable/fruit compost I brew just for flower. I use worm casing and natural molasses.
I also only use essential oils (that we extract ourselves here) and other bugs for bug control (and diatomacious earth). Everything we need to grow is right here,

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
so heres my thaught. one has a not so healthy mother plant usally a nitrogen def.(pretty common if you keep mothers, make cuts, root, flower plants etc). mother rooms take alot of work. every one know this.
im saying once u root those cuts u can green thumb those clones to great health. and have a great grow.


Well-Known Member
I truly wish there was a -Rep button.
There is, that little Star of David looking thing next to 'Journal this post' in the lower left hand corner of the reply.

It will be some work and take some time, but you can do this. I've had to clone my way out of trouble a few times, so it can be done. The second set of clones are usually ok. You have the clones from the sick host plant. Get them to root and nurse as well as you can. Then, take clones from these clones, which should be even healthier, and use those clones for new moms, or to flower out, or whatever.
