taking cuttings?


Active Member
i no theres a way of taking the cuttings that 2 come back.i was just wondering if any 1 cud do a diagram or explane were to take the cutting from too make that happen thanks for any posts


Active Member

if you cut the main stem off at the top of this picture the side branching starts growing as tops. thus cutting once for 2 colas

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Just make sure that there is a node left on the branch after you take a cutting and new growth will develop there.


Well-Known Member
before I go to flowering I trim all lower growth this is clone material.


Active Member
Is that important for the cutting to root better or is just for the mom to grow new branches ?
Im sorry but is this a serious question? you have 1200+ posts... It has nothing to do with the cutting rooting. Its purely for the plant to grow a new branch.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry but is this a serious question? you have 1200+ posts... It has nothing to do with the cutting rooting. Its purely for the plant to grow a new branch.
The fact that I have 1200+ post doesn't mean that I know every details about all the techniques. For instance I could have been growing for 10 years with great success using only seeds and soil :)


Active Member
The fact that I have 1200+ post doesn't mean that I know every details about all the techniques. For instance I could have been growing for 10 years with great success using only seeds and soil :)
Im sorry then, I really guess I thought you would have picked up on it in that kinda time frame. Just figured with all that postin you would have the already had the answer. It was a little snide and for that I do apologize.


Well-Known Member
No problem, you can never know everything about it, too many techniques and details plus the fact that sometimes things that you thought you knew may not be like that anymore, like checking the pistils to harvest, now the trichomes are checked.

Not only there are different techniques but also different ways to do things, you can ask the same question to two people and get two different ways to do something, for instance for cloning some people will add H2O2 and some won't, some will use a dome and other will not use any rooting gel/powder and so on.

I hope I was able to explain myself :) I have learned a lot of things around here but there are still many more things that I don't know YET :)