Taking forever.

So I'm about to start week 12 since 12/12. Had an issue with foxtailing which I believe may slow things down. Trichomes seem to have been cloudy forever with no sign of amber, (I want amber).
Pistils proud and white, even the non foxtail ones.
Master Kush Indica.....do I just keep going? Will another two weeks bring change? Feel like nothing is happening. Cheers!20201119_142004.jpg20201119_141936.jpg20201119_142027.jpg


Well-Known Member
it's gone through stress with you over feeding burnt ends, that's why it's fox tailing.

u have no choice but to leave them for a couple more weeks just don't let them get any more stress.

hope this helps
Thanks all. Had some issues and learnt a lot in the last 6 months. Just delighted to get this far. The target was always the end of November so I reckon I'm close. Just impatient but nervous. Don't want to ruin the crop by being too ambitious.


Well-Known Member
12 weeks since switching and you're growing Master Kush? Where did you get the genetics. Even taking into consideration 2 weeks to start flowering from flip which is where some start counting you're at 10 weeks and those still have a couple weeks to go.

I grew Master Kush for years and never had it take that long. It's a fast flowering strain. I question the genetics you are growing since it's taking so long to finish. People can call things anything they want and there are remakes of every strain that are much different than the originals. Regardless, the only thing you can do is let it finish. I'd be more concerned about how to prevent the obvious issues that plant has with those dying dried up leaves in the future.

Good luck