Taking Pictures


Active Member
I wish more people would use somethin as a scale in their pictures. Put a bic lighter or a ruler next to the plant. It makes it easier for us newbies to tell how big the plants are.


Well-Known Member
yeh like someone claiming they have a pound when they do a closeup of an oz saw that on another forum just today actually


Well-Known Member
yea pics can sometimes be very misleading without some size reference. It is sometimes a little deceiving what the reality is....some people may put their hand into the photos.....the other side of that is many people just like to take the really nice pics of their bud to demonstrate the shape, form and progress of maturation....of an individual strain....sometime the deception is intended....though I believe that is in the minority....all this being said...pics often make the grow, and make this site the fabulous site that it is.....we all LOVE our/everyone else's pics!


Active Member
ive got a bad ass american flag that i place at plant hight on the first day of flowering. now im about a week into flowering and the plant doubled in size. the flag makes it so easy to see growth. that is what newbies need. we need to see that positive growth or its mind numbing.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Any object of commonly known size gets the job done. Barring that, even knowing the size of the container (1 gal, 3 gal, 8" square, whatever) is at least something to go on.

Everyone has something laying around that will suffice.
