Taking To Your Plants


Active Member
when i was in school they used to tell us that plant growth responds to emotion and possible music as well as just talking to your plant does anyone think this is true?


New Member
I believe that plants respond to people. They can tell by the way you handle them whether you love them or not. Hence the term green thumb, you either get on with plants or you don't.

They are living things with the capability to evolve just like us. To my mind anything that evolves has sentience.

If you look at your plants as being just a smoke at the end, they will pick up on this, think fuck you, and give you a shitty, foul-tasting yield. Your plants need to know that you are going to look after them, carry on the best of it's genes into bigger and better harvests.

Love your plants, respond to their needs, and you will be rewarded.


Well-Known Member
I find leaving the radio on tuned into a classical station is good. People speak calmly in between the tunes, the adverts are smooth and theres loads of music. 12hr on 12 hours off. I have read though that some study was made with music and plants and the one group that had the music come on 2 hours before lights came on did best. go figure, i personally think it gives the bud more character having the radio on than not.


New Member
i talk to my plants all the time, but im also completely dillusional and have no friends so... yeah

'Im over here sue your talking to the plant look'

Ten points for the first person who can tell me what the hell I'm on about


Well-Known Member
Talking to them releases co2.
Music causes subtle vibrations.
With that said I think plants are smarter then we can currently comprehend after all they were here before us therefore they are more evolved.
15 years ago we thought animals were stupid yet now we know they are conscious just as we are and are very much self aware even some insects.