Okay Let me start off saying SWIM is alright but really just spooked and really hesitant to make Bho again.
SWIM has been making wax for nearly 2 years now, but before recently SWIM just did it for fun really, recently though, he wanted to step his game up and make some dank wax after some guidance from a friend. He had been slowly building his arsenal of extraction and purging equipment. Everything SWIM needed to make some super dank shatter and/or some good waxy crumble:
7mm glass extractor(local blown), homemade vacuum chamber and hand pump(SWIM was in the process of ordering a nice dessicator and motorized pump), and all the other various little things one needs.
Each run his product would look better and better
Now in the quest for creating some dankity dank, SWIM looked into making his BHO with ground buds and machine agitated bubble hash(hasn't gotten ice wax like SWIM wanted).
He loads his tube up as normal but with quite a bit of the micro plane ground bubble this time, probably an ounce and some and probable 3/4 ozof bud(its a fat tube) and begins to run his vector tane through it OUTSIDE!
One can runs through slowly, but still flows through and into SWIMs Pyrex. He notices one area of the hash inside seems a little solid, before running the second can through he quickly attempts to agitate and break it up for maybe 10-15 seconds .
SWIM proceeds to run the second can after even though the clump didn't break off much in the tube(this was prob his mistake) product was coming out the bottom but not as fast as a flower only run. Then BOOM fucking firey explosion in SWIMs hand. SWIM is on fire(and didn't know) and burnt on the face and torso(through his shirt) There is also a 4 foot radius fire burning that he proceeded to put out with the floor mat.
The tube was shattered, he doesn't know how much from the explosion and how much from it hitting the ground.
SWIM has minor burns to his face, arm, and torso, and a burnt beard, hair, and eyebrows/eyelashes
I get why he got blowout but
Now what I don't get is why did it spontaneously combust, outside, with no flame, spark or any sort of ignition source???
Looks like SWIM is gonna be taking a break from bho making and going back to trying to achieve ice wax from bubble. : /
A good part of the story the product he did end upsetting turned out to be .5 of some shatter afterms purging
SWIM has been making wax for nearly 2 years now, but before recently SWIM just did it for fun really, recently though, he wanted to step his game up and make some dank wax after some guidance from a friend. He had been slowly building his arsenal of extraction and purging equipment. Everything SWIM needed to make some super dank shatter and/or some good waxy crumble:
7mm glass extractor(local blown), homemade vacuum chamber and hand pump(SWIM was in the process of ordering a nice dessicator and motorized pump), and all the other various little things one needs.
Each run his product would look better and better
Now in the quest for creating some dankity dank, SWIM looked into making his BHO with ground buds and machine agitated bubble hash(hasn't gotten ice wax like SWIM wanted).
He loads his tube up as normal but with quite a bit of the micro plane ground bubble this time, probably an ounce and some and probable 3/4 ozof bud(its a fat tube) and begins to run his vector tane through it OUTSIDE!
One can runs through slowly, but still flows through and into SWIMs Pyrex. He notices one area of the hash inside seems a little solid, before running the second can through he quickly attempts to agitate and break it up for maybe 10-15 seconds .
SWIM proceeds to run the second can after even though the clump didn't break off much in the tube(this was prob his mistake) product was coming out the bottom but not as fast as a flower only run. Then BOOM fucking firey explosion in SWIMs hand. SWIM is on fire(and didn't know) and burnt on the face and torso(through his shirt) There is also a 4 foot radius fire burning that he proceeded to put out with the floor mat.
The tube was shattered, he doesn't know how much from the explosion and how much from it hitting the ground.
SWIM has minor burns to his face, arm, and torso, and a burnt beard, hair, and eyebrows/eyelashes
I get why he got blowout but
Now what I don't get is why did it spontaneously combust, outside, with no flame, spark or any sort of ignition source???
Looks like SWIM is gonna be taking a break from bho making and going back to trying to achieve ice wax from bubble. : /
A good part of the story the product he did end upsetting turned out to be .5 of some shatter afterms purging