Talk to your plants?


Well-Known Member
Science! Plants intake carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. We intake oxygen and expel carbon dioxide! Of course spending time with them is beneficial. For both YOU and the plants! Research also show's playing music in the grow room is beneficial

As a kid I veg'd some plants and play'd sublime on a loop in my closet. They were the most healthiest plant's to date I grew! Sadly I never got to flower a plant when I was young


Well-Known Member
Haha I have talked to my seedlings a few times. It's ok to talk to plants but when you start answering for them then I would be worried.
I lol at that, pretty good. I talk to em like ''wat up ladies'' when I cut the light on and shit, but don't have convo.s. with em. Oh and when I chop I ''say sorry and thank you". lol Never felt so bad but so good as when harvest roles around.


New Member
Considering the fact that are such interesting plants I really consider them like some sort of pets (without all the pooping). I kissed her good night so, maybe you'd say I'm crazy but like somebody said, raise with love.

Like others said, no smoking around would be better.


Well-Known Member
Some people are just plain crazy... talk to your plants WTF?! Why would you do that... they don't have ears, well most of them anyway. :D


Active Member
It has been scientifically proven that talking to your plants does make them healthier but it's not the talking and company they enjoy it's the carbon dioxide that your breath produces that make them prospher.
Mythbusters did a test with growing plants with stereos playing music so no CO2 and they still prospered. I think the plant blasted with heavy metal all day grew the most. I kind of doubt it's enough to actually increase yield or anything though, if I remember right it just increased growth speed.


Well-Known Member
I not only talk dirty to my plants, I masturbate on them. Well, I use a diluted semen foliar. It is a running joke here and indeed, people might think i'm joking now but I have done extensive research on semen foliar feeding and I believe it works. Semen contains beneficial ingredients such as Vitamin C, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B12, zinc and creatine. Its cheap to produce and sure 'beats' expensive store bought supplements.


Well-Known Member
I don't talk to my plants, I scream at them like Sam Kinison....

Hello plant.... this is SATAN!!!! You better GROW! Or I am going to chop you into little pieces and BURN YOU!


Active Member
My girls talk back to me and ask, "Does this pot make me look fat?"

I have to reassure them that they are beautiful no matter what.