Talked to the cops today....


Active Member
I talked to the cops today, but probably not you would imagine...nothing to do with a grow op. I was driving my R6 to my buddies house last night for his 23rd birthday party, and I was trying to cut down on time . Well, about half way there there is a car on my ass, and I'm going like 100mph ish thing I know blue light special. He said he had been following me for ten minutes, every time I would go around a corner it would take him two exits/ miles to catch up.He didn't arrest me, but gave me a reckless driving ticket and 100 in a 60 speeding ticket. So I'm bummed, everyone that I've talked to says I'm going to lose my license. I just wanted to vent some, that's my reason for posting this. I've got two months though to try and work something out.


Well-Known Member
next time slow down

there is never a reason anyone should ever be going that fast.......i really cant think of one


Well-Known Member
you can plea it down to a neglegent driving and lose your license for much less time.
i think i lost mine for a month for 120+ in a 40
all i had to do was plead guilty to the neg driving to avoid a trial the prosecuting attourney was more than happy to bump it down to neg. driving.
and proving that 100 mph on the freeway is wreckless is gonna be hard since the bike was designed to easily handle those kinds of speeds. therefore its more negligent than it is out right wreckless


Active Member
Yeah, I was being immature, I'll accept that. far as running from him...easier said than done. It was at like midnight last the time I even knew there was a car coming up on me, he had already gotten my tag #. He didn't even hit the lights until he was literally like two or three feet away from my bike.

Negligent driving huh? Sounds good, Do I need to call the D.A. before the court date or walk into the court room and talk to them about dropping it down?

I just got a ticket two months ago for 71 in a 45, and my insurance doubled off of that.....needless to say I'm scared about this one.


Well-Known Member
the cop might not even be in court if he aint plead not-guilty

but i aint a lawyer, keep that in mind no one on here is