tall girl small pot?


hey i got a headie fucking plant and it has been into flowering now for 40 days but it hasnt been budding that much. it is definatly smelling dank as fuck and has small budding. it is about 4-5 feet tall and in a 10.25" pot. about a foot deep. im going to be transfering it into a bigger pot. is this causing the plant to not bud as much as it usually would??:joint:


Well-Known Member
If you're transplanting correctly the plant will actually bud more than it would have in the tiny pot.

Transplant stress from repotting is a result of poor transplanting in most cases, and always make sure to water thoroughly right after the switch.


:joint:i feed it every other day. 10 23 watt cfls. still havnt transferred to bigger pot yet but bud is now starting to show more now in the last few days. cant wait to harvest gonna give it another motnh prolly its at day 45. ill be ssure to transplant into bigger pot soon:leaf: