I have always heard that no matter what the circumstances, lights should be as close to the canopy as possible without burning or raising temperature of the canopy too much.
Currently, my HPS (with glass) system is about 14" from the canopy, with a good temperature of about 75 (no burn) - we could probably go even closer.
My colleague, however, claims that we need to raise the lights, to allow them to stretch taller, for greater yield, since we are a medical grow operation, and have a limited number of plants.
I have used the arguement that more power (closer lights) = greater yield in the end, and I have also heard that plant stretch reduces yield.
Your thoughts? Keep the lights low? Or raise them to stretch them and hope for greater yield? Any educational information would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
Currently, my HPS (with glass) system is about 14" from the canopy, with a good temperature of about 75 (no burn) - we could probably go even closer.
My colleague, however, claims that we need to raise the lights, to allow them to stretch taller, for greater yield, since we are a medical grow operation, and have a limited number of plants.
I have used the arguement that more power (closer lights) = greater yield in the end, and I have also heard that plant stretch reduces yield.
Your thoughts? Keep the lights low? Or raise them to stretch them and hope for greater yield? Any educational information would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!