Tamjam's 2nd grow Snow White 250w


Well-Known Member
yeah actually your right and if you got 50+ seed i would go for it.

how many are you gonna do? and are you gonna start a new journal? oh and are you gonna go hid this time?

cheers mog
easy fella, got 4 seeds soaking at the mo, staying with cfl, although I will get another 250 red (as these are autos), and yes I will start a journal once things get moving :D

you looking forward to the -12 temp we meant to get this week :(?


Well-Known Member
hello again everyone, there wasnt an update yesterday as i was partying hard saturday and didnt get to bed til 7 am as it was my bday, any way here it is lol:mrgreen:

they all seem to be growing at a good pace now, i have had the same kind of problem as i did with my last grow, it looks like nute burn on a couple of the ladys, i havnt added any ferts so obviously the multi purpose compost i used is a bit to strong for them.

today i topped four of them after the second node to get 4 colas and the biggest got cut at the third node to get 6 colas but i may still try some lst on that one aswell.

first pic is them before topping and the second is after topping.

i think im gonna veg them for 4 or 5 days more then i shall be switching to 12/12



Well-Known Member
hello again everyone, there wasnt an update yesterday as i was partying hard saturday and didnt get to bed til 7 am as it was my bday, any way here it is lol:mrgreen:

they all seem to be growing at a good pace now, i have had the same kind of problem as i did with my last grow, it looks like nute burn on a couple of the ladys, i havnt added any ferts so obviously the multi purpose compost i used is a bit to strong for them.

today i topped four of them after the second node to get 4 colas and the biggest got cut at the third node to get 6 colas but i may still try some lst on that one aswell.

first pic is them before topping and the second is after topping.

i think im gonna veg them for 4 or 5 days more then i shall be switching to 12/12

good to see all is well Tam mate, got 2 poking their heads at the mo, (first only showed yesterday) will check later to see if any more have sprung up since this morning. They took ages to show tap root was worried I'd breed a load of duff seeds but they got there eventually!


Active Member
Coming on nicely Tam, seems to take forever for seeds to take off don't it, but theyre going well now. Strain sounds good :-)

Sounds like you had a good b/day mate!


Well-Known Member
Coming on nicely Tam, seems to take forever for seeds to take off don't it, but theyre going well now. Strain sounds good :-)

Sounds like you had a good b/day mate!
ha ha yeah it was a very good night mate, i think 3 liters of vodka and 1 liter of whiskey and a crate of beer was drank between 5 of us!!!! thats not mentioning everything else that was consumed!!!;-)lol:bigjoint:

update today as im sitting around waiting for my staffordshire bull terrier to have her pups, expecting her to have them tonight!!!

this grow is going really slow compared to my last grow with the ak48's, im thinking that this is just a slower growing strain and i wish i grew ak48s again:-(

but on the good side it now moving again, when i topped them it had really stunted their growth they didnt move for about four days but now all the new shoots are going for it.

the four up in the loft have been in 12/12 now for 2 days as i couldnt control the temps without an inlet and exhaust fan, my wife is a very light sleeper and the fans were humming throught the house, so the lights go off now at 9pm until 9am, its not what i wanted but its all i can do:sad:

they have all been repotted as i was getting nuteburn for some reason, i have used the wests peat free stuff now and all is looking good, so far im not enjoying these snowwhites lets hope they reward me well.

one of the plants is going to be kept vegging in a little cupboard i have in my bedroom.

any way i will let the pics do the talking



Well-Known Member
right i have been busy this evening making some changes!!!

i now no longer have to 12-12 them any more!! i can veg them up nice and proper as i do not need to have any fans running.

i have done away with the box and made a kind of tent covered in loft insulation to stop the heat being visible from any suspect helicoptors!! now i have alot of space to work with.

and like you said ms the key to high yields is being vegd proper. the lights will be on over night as thats when the temps drop the most and will be off at 9am til 3pm

i still got a few things to tidy up but im kind of busy with my staffy which is now in labour!!



Active Member
Hi Tam,

Good luck with the pups and best wishes to 'mum' :-)

Looks like you are getting things sorted with more room and with temps now on the up slowly I bet you do much better this grow. Just a link for you, when I grew in the loft I just made a tent using this heavy duty silver reflective sheeting, its tough as shit and can be pulled real tight AND its flame retardent, made a real bright space for me and its only £4 a metre, best I have seen. Thought I'dpost the link, been using this supplier for about 6 years now, they are very reliable and friendly.

seaofgreen -silver reflective sheeting.

Anyway, snow whites about ready for take off I'd say :-)

Good luck with the pups .


Well-Known Member
hi everyone today im feeling happy, when i checked the plants this evening they are looking so much better now that they arent in the box, that 250w hps was just drying it out in there to much and the humidity was going below 20%.

two had some really manky leaves so i have trimmed them off.

one of the ladys have a very distinctive indica pheno to her:hump:

the lights are on over night now due to the cold and the lowest the temps dropped to today was 58f and the humidity is steady at 60%. finally looks like the temps are jumping up:hug:

since yesterday they are taking of really well and i couldnt help but post a few pics!!! i will leave anymore pics until sunday now lol.

here are my sexy snow whites, and like you said MS they are ready for take off!!!!



Well-Known Member
right i couldnt take it any more the lights are set to go off for 12 hours tomorrow morning at 6am.

as im only using a 250watter its probably best to keep them small and i want some smoke asap!!! i cant handle paying £25 an 8th.

they will have their dark period through the day this time unlike my ak grow which had problems with very low night time temps.

i have wrote the date down in the wifes diary so i dont forget and i will be sorting out a bigger pot for the little left out one on the side.



Well-Known Member
hi guys i thought instead of posting an update lastweek i would leave it longer.

day 7 of 12-12

plants are doing really well and have grown hell of a lot over the last 7 days.

i have been very mad with the weather the last few days , today the temps in the loft were nice at 14c but the last few days it has been as low as 6c :-( today was warm up there as the sun has been out all day.

no nutes yet will wait for about 3 weeks and then feed. i like keeping it all simple!!;-)

oh yeah one of the plants is growing very strangly??

i will try and explain it lol normally at each node you get two fan leaves right? well this plant has 4 fan leaves at each node???

the little one in the middle has been left in low 24 hour light for a week so i will have a kind of staggered harvest ( cheers ms;-))

i will be ordering more seeds asap and then plant another in two weeks and then 4 weeks and so on. but when the plants are done in the big pots i will in future use small pots and do a type of SOG and hopefully have a harvest every couple weeks:bigjoint:

any way here they are:lol:



Active Member
Wow, they look good tam, real bushy. That one you describe could just be a mutant, stick with it because they can be a bit special and like they grow odd leaf growth patterns they can and do often produce extra bud sights :-)

Temps should stabilise soon for you mate, after all it IS March !!!

Hows those puppies doing ? :-)

*edit* Notice you're going for a perpetual harvest thing, don't know if you have ever read DrBudGreengenes thread on perpetual harvest growing? It was mentioned on my thread and I read it about 3 years ago, its well worth a read if you're looking at something like that but using seeds (he uses clones but bangs them into flower soon as they root!), I reckon you could do a 12/12 from seed, rolling harvest job under your HPS and do pretty well. About 3/4 years ago I did a thread over on HG420 (now sadly gone) where I ran a perpetual harvest 12/12 from seed experiment using Skunk Special and Tutti Frutti seeds feminised, it went pretty well and although yields were small (10g to 21g average) I found I was harvesting in 11 weeks from start to finish :-) what's more you can add in new strains at any time, say every couple of weeks etc and build up to a perpetual harvest of different strains, really good. I used 2 litre water bottles covered in brown tape for pots.

Wish I could point you to the thread still, but as I can't here's what I learned from the experiment (it ran for almost a year!).

1. 12/12 from seed produces yields not far off a couple of weeks standard veg period, 14g to 21g was average dry yield. One guy here at rollitup hits the magic 1oz dry mark from his 12/12 grows ....I'll find the link for you.

2. The first 3 weeks of a 12/12 grow can be pretty much treated as normal veg period, you can still LST them down if you wish or even top them.

3. Average to show sex is 18 to 21 days from germination, THEN they go into flowering mode.

4. Plants stay short, 18" average.

5. Why bother? ...... lots of strains, you can mix sativas with Indicas, you harvest regularly, watering is simple to judge as the small pots dry out in 48 hrs! AND you only need ONE cabinet to do this in, no veg box required.

Just some info mate, I know you are still doing a lot of planning in your head around the best way to go :-) I'm thinking about going back over to this method myself after the mazar, I need some variety in my strains again.

Heres the link to DrBudGreengenes, 30 years a grower of MJ!

Link 2. randy's 12/12 from seed club, show off your girls! ( Rollitup)

Just a different approach tam.


Well-Known Member
Hi MS thanks for taking the time to write that i have read both of those threads very interesting and informative.

I think i have it set in my mind what I am going to do now, next week going to purchase some random seeds and get the ball rolling. :weed:

Will get some pics of the mutant in a bit. :?


oh and the pups are doing fine even the little runt is coming on lovely, very small but cute.

speak soon


Well-Known Member
get cheese and the church, they are cool bushy plants. personally i stay away from sativas. they turn into monsters. i got 2 sativas at the mo and they are a pain in the arse. rapid streching and shit. still lovly plants. trouble is all my other plants are indicas and not as tall. they need the light closer but the sativas are close to the reflecter, gonna get burnt. im havin to bend em. otherwise your perpetual harvest sounds good. i love havin plants at different stages. keeps me interested. good pics mate


Well-Known Member
hi shrig yeah i think im gonna stick with indicas as they will stay nice and short and all the plants will get the same light.

as for having plants at different stages i think that its good, when i cut down my ak48s i felt lost not having any plants and to be chopping a plant every couple weeks would be awesome:hump:

here are some pics of the mutant plant!!

at each node it has 4 bud sites:weed: if this plant serves me well and the smoke is good i will keep it as a mother.

any way here she is oh and none are showing pre flowers yet! its been nine days, should be soon.

oh and excuse the grubby plate!! i just finished my fish and chips lol



Well-Known Member
Thats the style tamjam, I love those mutants, you watch her go!
ha ha cool MS thats what i thought plus shes the best plant out of them:weed:

ok here gos i gave away two of the worst plants to a good friend, just for peace of mind so that if i ever got busted it will look better than having 5 lol.

plus im buying a green house at the weekend hopefully and im gonna hide a few lowriders in between the tomatos!!

am i right thinking that growing autos outside during the uk summer they will bud still even with the long days?

day 14 12/12

the weather has been seriously cold over the last week and when the lights are off in the daytime it has dropped as low as 4 degrees up in the loft:-( not good i know but all i can do is hang in there.

they will be fine after all my ak's made it up there lol.

one plant is showing the first signs of pistils but the other two are showing nothing yet.

plus they are all in the box again! i found that mounting the light the way it is in the pics its really easy to control the heat when the lights are on, still got to paint it flat white yet as the mylar was wrecked from all the screws i had everywhere when mounting the cfls..

any way heres some pics and a clearer one of the mutant!:leaf:
