Tangerine dream, has anyone grown it?


Active Member
From looks of things I would say the indica pheno is about 12-14 weeks and the sativa pheno is as long as you feel like growing it. I lost track of time but I was atleast around 15-16th week when I cut mine and I was barely getting cloudy crystals at that point and mostly solid white pistols. I just got sick of it taking up 1/4th of my grow box forever. Im about 20 days away from cure so I will come back and update when its properly cured.
what????????? 15th?? 16th?????.....no man...u can´t be talking serious!.....lol ...hope really worth it.... i don´t know what to do now....lol..can´t wait that long....thanks for the answer and good luck with the cure part!



Well-Known Member
I'm 14+ weeks of flower...some distance from the "7-8 week" listed by the breeder. I won't bother with this again, I don't mind breeders bigging their strain up a bit; but I'm not taking this bullshit from Barney's Farm.

Claude Bawls

Active Member
HMMM...I have 2 un-germmed now. Will not be growing them for a few weeks. But this thread has helped. I have limited space so I will do 2 auto's at the same time. The yields they produce will keep me plenty good waiting for the dream to finish. Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
I have 3 Tangerine Dreams growing in a 2x4 foot tent with a 400HPS light. They were put into flower on 3/24/12 so these photos are 43 days in flower with 27 more days to reach the 70 day flower mark. I believe I will need to flower 2 or 3 weeks longer by the way they look now, maybe 90 days or so total.
They have tons of buds with a whole lot of popcorn sized on the lower part of the plants. They have almost no odor right now unless I touch them. Then they give off a very pleasant citrus smell. They are not very sticky yet but I’m not worried. These healthy beasts are still young and growing strong. I have not seen any signs of hermies and don’t think I will but if they do I am concerned I might miss them because of the mass of bud sites and foliage.
I vegged them for 7 weeks and they all started to flower a few days after switching to 12/12. They are growing in 5 Gal. buckets with soil using GH nutes. I cropped them substantially in order to fill the area and to keep the canopy as even as possible.
I was hesitant to try them after reading all of the bad reps. but the only problem I had was bad germination (which could have been my fault)and a longggggg flower time (which I knew about).

TD-2x4 foot.jpgTD-bud.JPGTD-bud-close.jpgTD-buds.jpgTD-left.jpg


New Member
I had some from Growers choice that went 142 days from sprouting, 20 WEEKS!!! Honestly I probably should have waited 2 more weeks. The odor was low is the air but if you touched it the smell on your fingers was amazing. I blamed the long flowering time on my excessive LST which made it really big and bushy especially for my lousy light set up. colas were nice sized considering the low wattage hodpodge I called grow lights but it put on the bulk of its weight in the last 5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Mine goes around 65 days can be taken at 60, very round golf balls, smells of slight citrus and a bit of body odour, fairly subtle flavour but very nice, taste of orange citrus and skunk notes, really great yeilder, bit of a slow vegger and likes to grow like a Christmas tree, not amazing by any means but she aight G.