Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

u been growing that since May? It must be about 10 feet tall by now!
TD does not take but 70 days for flowering after 3-4 weeks of vegging. thats maybe 3 1/2 to maybe 4 months total.
Man I grew this plant with a total of 5 seeds and every one of them grew for me had well over 24 oz tried to put pics but new to this and seems like it won't let me from my iPad suxs try to post pics from computer later cause it is a beauty if u get a good batch of seeds.
I'm looking at two Tangerine Dreams now and I'm finally liking what I'm seeing at week 10, it could possibly be a superb yielder of pleasant orange smelling buds coupled with some earthy haze undertones. I can't touch the damn thing without it leaving my fingers stuck together. Large glistening cola's all over the place, they look pretty nice even with the foxtailing. It's slow beginning each stage (apart from that ridiculous stretch) but it does begin to catch up. That said, I'm possibly in for another two weeks of flowering. Still trying to decide whether to run it again after this, may just run the nicest of the two and use the space for others.
My little bro grwe a pack out, and got 2 nice plants that finished nice and fat. Too bad neither one had any crystal to speak of and were week and grassy tasting. Not my bros fault either, the rest of his grow was fire. Weak ass cheap ass genetics.....cannabis cup winners..... my ass!!
u been growing that since May? It must be about 10 feet tall by now!
TD does not take but 70 days for flowering after 3-4 weeks of vegging. thats maybe 3 1/2 to maybe 4 months total.

TD takes MUCH longer than 70 days for flowering most of the time. You must not have been reading this thread. The one I chopped was well past 70 days and no where near finished.
Last year I purchased a 5pack of Tangerine Dreams. I heard they take longer than usuall to germinate so I considered them pepper plants (taking 14-21days to germ) after 3 wks not one popped. Attitude was willing to let me send back the seeds that didn't pop for new ones, I did so and the next pack only 1 germ'd then rotted... my last experience with Barney's Farm.
That's why i stay away from all major breeders anymore. Just in it for the money nowadays, rather give my cash to an up and comer like Bodhi or somebody like that.

what happens when bodhi gets popular.. then are you going to stop buying from him and go to another up and comer???
I seeded a plant to have seeds for my own use, and not a one will germinate...I am not sure what happens to a plant that will make it make seeds that just don't work...I scraped one with a file, and then gently cracked it open and then smeared it with clonex and it sprouted broke soil, fell over and died...so I guess it needed clonex injections to stay alive...lol. Not worth it...so I tossed those seeds and just used the ones that did work on another plant...It is possible that a super highly stressed plant just can't make seeds that work...I mean this plant was in rough shape...it was a picky strain that had been a vacation plant...you know--you go on vacation and come home to tent wide destruction...? One of those plants...anyway she was nearly dead but I nursed her back to health, but of course she was never on top for that run...the clones were all good though...and with that I realized that the only way to keep this plant is to breed this plant...So I began..and I started with her---mistake...I had 2 other healthier clones from her that I could have flowered and then just killed her...anyway...I seeded her and I wasn't too horribly surprised that the seeds wouldn't germ, but kinda..since seeds are supposed to be a plant's last ditch effort to live on after death..so seems like a waste to make hundreds of seeds that won't work,

anyway...sometimes people mess up...and they should fix it...if they don't then stop giving them money...easy to deal with...I got one barney's Farm Pineapple chunk that wouldn't germ...well if you give me a free seed that sucks then I don't want to buy your seeds...
Not TD but i have bought two ten packs of barneys farm lsd this year and out of the 20 seeds 10 popped then everyone of those 10 rotted. I also purchased a ten pack of barneys farm Crital Kush and out of ten only 2 popped then died as soon as they peeked above the soil last time i will buy from barneys farm