Tangilope, Critical Hog, Green Crack Feminized organic outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I Started 3 seeds on 5/5 and they sprouted this morning. I'm going to plant them in 5 gallon smart pots with subcools super soil and roots organic soil for base today or tomorrow. The girls will be staying in my grow tent for a week or two under 600w hps light before going outside. This will be my second grow-my first is an indoor still in progress.

two plates with paper towels to germinate the seeds. I just put them in and poured some water.

my babies! from top to bottom: Tangilope, Critical Hog, Green Crack

Ill post more pics when I get them in dirt. Thanks for taking a look at my grow journal. I welcome any and all knowledge!


Active Member
are these from attitude sounds like the same flavors I just got on their monthly special. going to try the green crack and the critical hog outside this time


Active Member
just put mine in paper towels this morning usually grow all indoors but bought new house with a great place for outdoor grow


Active Member
nice. I have indoor hydro for the girl scout cookies blue dream and giga bud use advanced ph perfect which is nothing short of amazing. but with this new outdoor space hoping to grow some trees


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I need to limit visibility where I plan on growing so no trees for me. Ill keep them less than 5ft at most. I have a indoor soil grow with easy rider and Blue Himalaya diesel ready for harvest in a few weeks when that's done I'm starting 4-8 more indoor from the freebies I got from attitude. I'm not sure which ones yet.


Well-Known Member
Started 2 more seeds today. The top is Sugar Black rose, bottom is flowerbomb kush

I planted the others yesterday. from left to right: Critical Hog, Tangilope, Green crack P5080269.JPG


Well-Known Member
This morning Green crack is sprouted above the soil. Upon closer inspection I have discovered they have root gnats!!!!! tangilope is almost dead where her stem connects to her seed is all shriveled up. I took her out of the root gnat soil and put her back between the plates, hopefully she will revive but its not looking too good. I couldn't find critical hog at all!!! I guess the gnats ate her all the way. I'm doing research on what to do with root gnats but I would appreciate any advice.


Well-Known Member
I found Critical hog she has some damage but seems to be doing better than tangilope. I read that peroxide will kill root gnat larvae so I just mixed some up 1 parts in 4 of water and watered GC and CH then I moved them outside my window. I don't have enough peroxide to treat the other plants in my tent right now and I don't want it spreading to my seedlings when I just treated them


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. I usually start expensive beans in rapid rooters/flora plugs so they get a clean start. I get 100 packs on Amazon when they are cheap. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Tangilope and Green crack didn't make it so I started 2 more seeds, tangilope and gigibud and I bought some of those seed starter plugs.
Gigabud, flowerbomb kush, sugar black rose, critical hog, tangilope



Active Member
gigabud has been good for me nothing special but good all around, bought a five pack of the green crack and the freebie. Love the tangilope was excited by that freebie did very well for me last time. I just put that sugar mango ryder outside should be interesting flavor before everything else is done. good luck


Well-Known Member
Tangilope sprouted really weird instead of one end of the root sprouting it came out in a loop with both ends still in the seed. After a couple days one end came out but it was the leaf end! She is growing slower than the others. The rest seem to be doing good.
pictures are in order of Tangilope, gigibud, Flower bomb kush, Sugar black rose, critical hog



Well-Known Member
hey hows your babys? im most curious about the critical hog you have I have 3 right now at 3 weeks from seed


Well-Known Member
Sorry it has been so long since the last update everybody..been smoking too much :weed:
I Just got my babies planted outside this morning...I know way too late but I just didn't have the time until now.
I would say they are somewhat stunted for their age because I had to hide them for a full day (they didn't get any light for that time) and they needed to be planted in the ground or a larger pot a little sooner. They are about 6" tall. Hopefully they will pick up now that they are outside. Ill take some pics soon when I can.


Well-Known Member
I haven't updated or posted for a very long time, sorry guys.

I cant get any good pics cause the only time I mess with them is in the middle of the night.

Sugar black rose is about 3 feet tall and getting a bit too noticeable for my liking so I tied her down for a little low stress training. The others seem around 2.5 feet or around there. all four plants are just now developing their first pistils :)


Well-Known Member
Here is the final update for this grow. The only plants that survived till harvest was Sugar Black Rose and Critical HOG. The others were chewed down by some animal right after they were getting their first pistils :(. I just harvested SBR last week. Her total dried weight is 4.5 oz of REALLY great bud. I am extremely satisfied with the SBR.
There were slight issues with CHOG. Right after getting her pistils, I tied her down with some wire, big mistake, the wire constricted her main stem as she grew. by the time I next checked up on her the entire top 2/3 of the plant had been constricted off by the wire. On top of that I was forced to harvest a couple of weeks up to a month early because a animal chewed CHOG all the way off at the base of the stem about 3 weeks ago, After drying the total bud was only .9 oz. The CHOG bud doesn't look quite as crystally and good as SBR but they have an almost equally awesome hi. Overall With the amount of effort I put in and this being my second grow ever, first outdoor grow ever I think I did pretty well and I am really really satisfied ;) lifelong dream fulfilled!
I will probably get some picture up of the harvest in a little while if i'm not to hi :D
peace out


New Member
I know its a little late but I would love to see pictures of you HOG before you harvested. I have a HOG about a week from harvest and I'm comparing photos