Tap Water


Well-Known Member
organic is a matter of opinion, true organic means no human intervention, so in that case, most organic growers are full of shit.. anyways back to chemicals they occur in nature all the time the substances that are hydroponic chemicals are derived with chemical reactions that occur faster than the ones in nature but we still use this method to create such drugs as penicillin or exact plant hormones because certain chemical reactions only occur in living organisms.

but heres the point in all actuality in nature there is plenty of fluoride phosphate, ammonium nitrate ect occurring naturally they are in the soil PLENTY OF IT. in organic the organisms we often utlize put off plenty of foul waste products in the soil, these might be bad for us but the breakdown and used or rinsed away ect. there is now way to prevent this, i reality hydroponics with chemical fertilizer is the best way to ensure you have the cleanest product(if it is a high quality hydroponic nutrient it will be very concentrate and only contain usable nutrients and no additives) using only that which the plant can convert in tissue, in supposed organics we get more flavor because of the natural chemical contaminants.

do your research. organics isnt clean and has plenty of "chemicals". chemicals had to come from the earth as some point. true organics means planting a seed and coming back 8 months later hoping for bud.


Active Member
I asked my kids' doctor about how flouride was used to placate the masses, she avoids speaking to me now. R/O and using soil admenments fer calcium/mag and the epson salt for magnesium