taproot and transplant


Hi guys. I just recently sprouted a bunch of high quality seeds in a paper towel/ plate.
After two days the tap root was stuck out of the shell. Then I threw them into little cups with fox farm ocean and light warrior.

When I put them into the cups I buried them about an inch. I have them in a room under a cheap floor light, and there is a heater in the room @ 80 F.

Once they stick their heads up out of the cup into the air I am going to transplant into 5 gallon pots and into the woods they go.

I'm just concerned bacause the soil mix I used is drying out very quickly, probably because the floor light gets so hot.

I already germinated them in a paper towel, so when should I expect them to pop out of the soil. It had been 5 days since the paper towel, and two days since I buired them.

Any thoughts????



also, if they don't appear within a week, do you think I should consider them a waste/dead? and try again.... maybe just putting the seed straight into the ground this time?


I was wondering this because the growing medium is a 50 % 50% split of fox farm light warrior and fox farm ocean soil and it keep drying out within 2 hrs of watering so I have been watering 2-3X per day, I am completely watering them till water drips out the bottom of the biodegradable starter pot.

Any thoughts?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
First off, Dont transplant untill the rootball has filled out the pot.

Is your pot really dry, or are you just checking the very top layer of soil?
Dig you finger into the soil and check around 2 inchs below, if it's dry there then water. Too much water will slowly kill your plant.


well the pot is only a little 4 inch tall 3 inch wide starter pot. Its biodegradable so when it comes time I think all I need to do is throw the whole pot into a bigger one and it should break down its self.

Okay, so I put the little taproots into these starter pots a few days ago and they have not popped out of the surface yet. I buried them 3/4 in down in the soil. The top keeps drying out quite a bit so I have watered a few times a day.
If they dont expose themself with in 5 more days should I consider the project over?


Active Member
When seeding is soil, I will take a jiffy pellet (small round disc with an exterior fiber membrane filled with potting soil) and place the germinated seed inside, then plant the pellet (top exposed) in a larger pot (like a Dixie cup). I water thoroughly. The larger pot will help keep the soil pellet from drying out too fast. I usually only need to water once ever 4 days or so, sometimes longer. I also use a dome to keep the humidity high and help reduce water evaporation. A warming mat under the seedling will promote root development. I would give it a week, and you should see at least something pop out of the soil.

Good luck!


Active Member
The seeds I used (Femmed) typically took 2-3 days to pop out of the 1" cube, I germed my seeds the same way, 18-36 hours in a wet paper towel until it cracked and the tail came out. I do not use nutes on my seedling cubes, only distilled water.