Tarmacs first grow thread


Active Member
Hello from the Rockies!

First of all, I must say that this site has been magnificent all around for tips, product advice, tutorials, general opinions… So thank you all very much.

With that said, here is my first grow. I have been growing vegetables indoors for a few years now and finally live in a place where I can grow some dank. I learned the basics when I started growing peppers, and now with the help of this site I am on my way to grow weed for the first time. I was able to pick up 3 clones about 3 weeks ago- Mango, Granddaddy purple, and Afghan. I smoke every now and then and wouldn't classify myself as someone who knows this stuff, so I really don't know if the strains have anything more specific to them besides the blunt descriptions I was given.

A few days into the grow

And how they sit today- 3 weeks in

How am I looking? The plants ranch from 10-8 inches. This is all being done in a closet in my cold basement with a 400W HPS (18/6), 2 fans, and a mini heater on the outside of the closet to keep the cold air minimal in the room. My temps average 75 and range from 68-79, with humidity consistently around 45%. I use Foxfarms ocean forest soil, Stump tea mixed in the spray bottle, and Roots (I have all the bottles, but have only used Buddah grow so far). I had some leaf burn about a week ago when my plants got too close to the light, but I think I have that threat minimized. You can't tell, but the closet is about 5 feet wide,3 feet deep, and 8 feet high.. So I have some room to get these babes growin'.

Thank you all for any input! I will update this regularly and will also use this thread for questions and help if you don't mind. Thanks for looking!



Active Member
Thanks for the comments!

looking good so far. I wish I could get clones locally haha
Colorado CL!!! I went into it thinking that my first grow was more about a learning experience and low and behold these turned out to be legit. The seller was also insanely nice, gave me his contact information, and told me that if they were to die he would replace them. Amazing state this is.


New Member
Dang man. Looking really good. HTG Supply is the bomb, BTW.

I'm in CO as well, have you noticed the water here being extremely acidic? Also, are you using any nutes and what are you using?

I've started with some seedlings instead of clones, and to complicate matters mine are autos, so I'm dealing wtih some extremely stunted plants. I'm guessing I don't have enough light on them, that should be remedied soon with a larger LED that I bought.
If you're interested, I've got my journal here, take a look and chuckle at my incompetency.


Active Member
Dang man. Looking really good. HTG Supply is the bomb, BTW.

I'm in CO as well, have you noticed the water here being extremely acidic? Also, are you using any nutes and what are you using?

I've started with some seedlings instead of clones, and to complicate matters mine are autos, so I'm dealing wtih some extremely stunted plants. I'm guessing I don't have enough light on them, that should be remedied soon with a larger LED that I bought.
If you're interested, I've got my journal here, take a look and chuckle at my incompetency.
Rad! And thanks man.

HTG is the shit, and their shop in Commerce City is legit… really informal employees and they hook it up!

As far as the PH levels, I have actually found mine to be neutral. I am in a small town though. For nutes, I have been using Roots organic Buddha Grow. I also have their Buddha Bloom and Trinity but haven't used them.


Active Member
Any advice on when to flower? I researched on here and it seems like many do it quick, or wait as long as possible. I was thinking as soon as they hit 12 inches, I'll put them each in 3 gals and after a week of the roots spreading I would then put them on 12/12. Ideal? Btw: Not looking to have branches massing out of my closet, or 5 foot plants! Maybe next time hahaha.


Active Member
Side note: I will be taking vacation late December for 7 days so I am trying to plan as much around that as possible. Thinking about possibly replanting them in the 3 gals and fully watering them right before I leave along with some wine bottle plant nurses. I realize flowering takes a ton of water, but not sure if that's the case 4 weeks into it (if I were to flower them soon). I don't have anyone to watch them :(


New Member
Any advice on when to flower? I researched on here and it seems like many do it quick, or wait as long as possible. I was thinking as soon as they hit 12 inches, I'll put them each in 3 gals and after a week of the roots spreading I would then put them on 12/12. Ideal? Btw: Not looking to have branches massing out of my closet, or 5 foot plants! Maybe next time hahaha.

I would keep the veg stage going, but that is IMHO. I'd let them get more foliage since more foliage = more potential buds, and you have to figure that flowering should be around the 6 to 7 week mark, according to most informants.
Probably not a bad idea to transplant before you want to induce flowering. My advice would be to transplat a week or more out, that way you can make certain nobody is straggling behind and your 12/12 light schedule will work without a problem. You may want to invest in a smart enough timer for your needs, 12 hours on, 12 hours off. From what I've read, flowering is fine with that light schedule.

If you're only gone for 7 days, you should be fine, just make sure every other element in your grow is set and prior to leaving water your ladies.

Cheers and good luck!


Active Member
Thanks for the info. After my vacation my plants will be at 9 weeks. I am thinking that it will be the perfect time to start vegging when I return. Do you think my plants will be in any kind of shock from not receiving water for that long? I am under the impression that these plant nurses are going to be a joke, but I will take whatever I can get! I was also thinking about raising the light quite a bit when I leave so there isnt as much heat hitting the soil.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. After my vacation my plants will be at 9 weeks. I am thinking that it will be the perfect time to start vegging when I return. Do you think my plants will be in any kind of shock from not receiving water for that long? I am under the impression that these plant nurses are going to be a joke, but I will take whatever I can get! I was also thinking about raising the light quite a bit when I leave so there isnt as much heat hitting the soil.
Thats a Good Idea about the Light but you will get some stretching from doing that ......

thats bummer you need to leave them for 7 days, you would probably get away with a good soaking at beginning then one about 3 days pity you not got a close friend that nose your business that could pop bye to water one day......

Worrying times :o


Active Member
I'll be using these when I am out of town next month. Hoping they will at least make the soil damp for a few more days.


Well-Known Member
I'll be using these when I am out of town next month. Hoping they will at least make the soil damp for a few more days.
Yea I seen that mate that you got them to help you when you were away, I also read that you where thing of movin your lights up so I was wondering if you were testing them in your grow area with the lights where they are just now to help you decide if you are going to move the lights....

anyway i I wish you luck :)


Active Member
Thank you sir. I'll keep an update on these stakes to see if they work. I've seen a few kinds floating around RIU but I don't think I've seen any that hold this much water. Fingers crossed, but plenty of time to test. I'll most likely leave the light at the same distance, didn't put too much thought into the stretching.


Active Member
Man my plants were thirsty today. Does anyone water once a day at the 4 week point? I am sure my roots are starting to expand quite a bit and feeling some bounds. These are still in 2 gals- waiting until I leave in December to replant them in 3 gals in the hopes it might help with saturation while I am gone.


New Member
Man my plants were thirsty today. Does anyone water once a day at the 4 week point? I am sure my roots are starting to expand quite a bit and feeling some bounds. These are still in 2 gals- waiting until I leave in December to replant them in 3 gals in the hopes it might help with saturation while I am gone.
That's a toughie for my particular situation because I'm doing hydro. I would guess that yes, at 4 weeks your madames are definitely stretching their roots. You probably have some decent expansion room though, as the consensus I've encountered is that transplant is absolutely necessary when the roots start erupting out of the pot or encircling the already established rootball. My guess is that they are not to this point, but it may be worth considering post return.

Good call from Stevieh about the stretching, I didn't consider that prior. Cheers and good luck! Plus if you ever are interested in sharing where you got your clones, a PM would always be welcome!!! :bigjoint: