Tastier buds !?


Active Member
Hey all, new to this, second grow , was just wonderin if there is anything 2 do to make buds tastier? there was a hightimes out the cover said "how to make tastier buds"! any tips tricks of the trade?? any help in this matter is greatly appreciated..... :peace:


Active Member
molasses really? how would you go about doing that? sry if the question sounds dumb but im a novice..... thnx again:peace:


Well-Known Member
molasses,3 t spoons for a gallon of water, someone said more but not sure if more would be 2 much.


Well-Known Member
A good method is to use molasses during flowering. It is a great fertilizer for the flowering stage and is also organic so it doesn't add a chemical taste to your bud. You can also use chemical fertilizers but make sure to flush them out of your soil about 1-2 weeks before harvest. Another good thing about molasses is that you can use that during the flushing period which is added fertilizer that you otherwise wouldn't have (because of flushing the chemical ferts) and also adds to a better taste. Hope this helps and good luck..