Tattoo, Need Your Help


Well-Known Member
Will be getting a tattoo this weekend across the bottom of my left wrist.

It will be my mother initials ESW and her DOB and DOD

Nov 16th 1950 - Aug 21st 2001

I have a few ideas in my head along with what my artist drew up.

If anyone out there wouldnt mind wasting 5 mins of your time and possible sharing any creative ideas for me, that would be awesome.

Nothing fancy two lines of text rather small

Thanks in Advance :peace:


Well-Known Member
Tattoos need to be your own imo. Especially a remembrance tatt. I have several remembrance tatts, I personally like to keep them uncluttered and simple but thats me.... :joint::joint::joint:
Totally agreed, the sad thing is i dont have a creative bone in my body.
I know the fundamental image im going for in my head, but would like to see if there is anything anyone could contribute that I wouldnt of thought of otherwise, ya know.


i would think twice about that my father passed away im covered in tattoos but the ones that are tough to look at are the ones that remind you of people especially parents who have died looking at the or seeing those kinds of images that remind you of a loss can be depressing especially if its some place that u see alot