TAX REFUND....NEW LIGHTS? input please


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i got my tax refund in the mail yesterday and i decided that i will put most in the bank but the rest i will splurge on new lights for my grow room.

I have about 250 MAX to spend.. I would just but some nice 250w HPS setup but my grow room is only 2ft deep, and 1.5 feet wide. and 2.5 ft tall

IT IS TALL ENOUGH TO GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please dont tell me otherwise, i just finished harvesting

ANY WAYS. i want to know what would be my best option for lights.

1. Max out 40w cfl's maybe have 6-10 40 watters

2. Put one 150w HPS and rig all kinds of vents (would have to go through someone else cause of internet)

3. By 2 of those 70w or 100w HPS security lights, ( have rigged my friends with a remote ballast to minimize heat)


Well-Known Member
I would definitely stick with the cfls. Put a bunch in there, maybe some 2' flouros on the walls. In that size space, you need the heat and electricity trouble from a HID like you need an anal fissure.


Well-Known Member
picasso is right my grow space is about the same size and i jus got some cfls in there and they are doing nice

hows your ventilation?


Well-Known Member
sounds like a file cabinet... Idk, i would go with the 150 watt hps and a blower fan, personaly, i thought about doing a file cabinet for my fist grow, and was going to go with the 150. Itd be perfect, and max out your yeild potential.