Teach Me To Build An Auto Trimmer


Active Member
If anyone has built a successful auto trimmer, would you please tell me how to do so? I have seen some youtube vids using an old box fan grate and a dremmel tool, they make it look simple enough but they don't give the step by step info and it's not the kind of project you want to learn the hard way on, ya know?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have suspected for a long time that these contraptions waste too much valuable material. I have also read articles that say exactly that. Unless you are growing commercially I do not see the advantage. If growing commercially you can buy one with a warranty.


Misguided Angel
SpinPro makes a decent one that I have seen, for 500 or 600 bucks though I think. Like Little Tommy said above, unless you are trimming LARGE quantities stick with the old fashioned way and save your trim for hash or cannabutter.


Well-Known Member
i have seen a vid where they made a auto hand trimmer from a dremmel tool and some wire from weedeater. sorry tho i cant seem to find the video anywhere


Active Member
watching videos of these diy auto trimmers insures that i will stick with fiskers...

sorry about double posting...i meant to edit....


Active Member
I'm not sure how these waste material as you could still grab up the trimmings and do what you want with them. Its not like the trimmer is evaporating the trimmings. Thanks for all of the opinions but I was looking for instructions....
This is an old thread, can anybody direct me to some newer info? I tried building a trimmer like in the videos once, but it sucked, and was hard to keep from destroying the buds.