Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

are you honestly asking why white people can't say n***ger anymore?

No Buck, I`m asking why Blacks can say it and it`s offensive if anyone else does.
It seems as a special privilege they alone can enjoy.

So, How come Blacks can say it and no-one else can ?
No Buck, I`m asking why Blacks can say it and it`s offensive if anyone else does.
It seems as a special privilege they alone can enjoy.

So, How come Blacks can say it and no-one else can ?
why do you want to say the word ??? Does it upset you that you can't freely go around calling people that ??
why do you want to say the word ??? Does it upset you that you can't freely go around calling people that ??

but you can walk around calling black people "nigger." you'll just get your ass kicked, and rightfully so.
but I don't think that's why Oddball was asking..........and neither do you. there is more rhetoric around here than 2nd century Athens.
but you can walk around calling black people "nigger." you'll just get your ass kicked, and rightfully so.
but I don't think that's why Oddball was asking..........and neither do you. there is more rhetoric around here than 2nd century Athens.
I actually don't use the word. My question is why would you want to use the word??
No Buck, I`m asking why Blacks can say it and it`s offensive if anyone else does.
It seems as a special privilege they alone can enjoy.

So, How come Blacks can say it and no-one else can ?
why do you want to say the word ??? Does it upset you that you can't freely go around calling people that ??
What I deplore is the obvious double standard that is applied by the wieners playing the racist card. I am sure that non-colored folks feel just as offended when being called whitey, gringo, pale face, etc. by people of color, just like the colored folks feel offended by the use of derogatory slang by people of non-color. Both are wrong in doing so. The wieners that continue to play the race cards serve nothing more then to continue to divide us by race, and and oppress us all.

I've heard experts in the news profess how much relations have improved post civil rights act. I guess they are wrong too?
No Buck, I`m asking why Blacks can say it and it`s offensive if anyone else does.
It seems as a special privilege they alone can enjoy.

So, How come Blacks can say it and no-one else can ?
you can say it. shit, white people made the term so they should have exclusive rights to it. the niggers have only stolen it. but that shouldnt surprise you. thats just how we roll
btw Ra$p0tin, you forgot honkey, craker, redneck and paper mate. you gotta be thorough
why do you want to say the word ??? Does it upset you that you can't freely go around calling people that ??

Really ? Is that what you derived ?

I`m talking about a word that is published and sold in a business.

I`m looking for the reason that Blacks have the executive privilege over anyone else.

People want to cry equality, but then there`s this.

Buck will respond to this and not my previous post. He`s very selective.
They apparently used to call the Irish "coal-crackers" cos Irish emigrants apparently used to mine coal...

Am I offended?

Why the fuck would I be?

Paddy, Potato Head, Drunk, Ginger...fuck it, some of those stereotypes are true.

But deny me service based on nationality when you say youre open to the public?

That would be a problem.

Why dont the blerk purple just think like this?
association was a byproduct of ending the harmful and racist practices of people like you.

By product??!! No whey!

Forced association is a "by product" of force silly goose. If the association is not consensual, it shares the same interaction tactics / method as rapists, thugs and coercive government types. You advocate associations that are derived and blessed by initiated force. I do not.

The person that seeks to disassociate is not the one applying the force. They are trying NOT to interact.

As far as me employing racists practices, that's a false allegation on your part, an attempt to reconstruct another persons argument on your part. You're pretty good at that, but it's often all you've got........besides your gerbils.

I will leave people alone if they seek to disassociate. and agree to leave others alone, even if I disagree with their reasoning for not wanting to associate with somebody. You will not. You share that trait with prohibitionists, the KKK, the DEA and other dickwads of that ilk.

So, no, I am NOT advocating racism and never have. Yet when some kind of racism is part of a persons belief and unbacked by any actionable act, I will leave that person alone. My response is, NOT to associate with known racists. Yours is to invade their property even when they are not invading anothers property.

I will not initiate aggression against a person for thinking something I disagree with. I will respect their right to own themselves and their property. You will not.

The line for you to approve of initiating aggression is you would go so far as to invade a persons property to make them interact with you. I would not.

I know the difference between seeking disassociation and invading anothers property. You ignore this difference.