Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

is this a private club ?? If so call the police for trespassing..If not ..then you are in the wrong. It's very simple why are you making it hard.

So you think it is okay for the nanny state to dictate who people will associate and what they must do with their own body on their own property?

Are you also a prohibitionist?
is this a private club ?? If so call the police for trespassing..If not ..then you are in the wrong. It's very simple why are you making it hard.

I don't believe in calling the police. They aren't able to be part of a peaceful solution, do I really need to mention why?
If a person truly owns something is it wrong for another entity to set up rules of who they can and cannot have on that property?

Also, this isn't about "me". It is about any person, white or black or green having the right to control their own property.
You one sad case guy
So you think it is okay for the nanny state to dictate who people will associate and what they must do with their own body on their own property?

Are you also a prohibitionist?
to words...PRIVATE CLUB

you can do just about anything you like in one.
Just another example of how the state exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property.

Lolbertarians like Rob Roy love gov't.
Does the amount of money a person steals from another change the fact the person has stolen?

If a person invades your property and refuses to leave, despite being made aware you prefer not to have them there are you good with that?

life according to robroy:




Am I sad because I wouldn't try to tell you how to use your body or your property or because you think it is okay to use force against people to make them do things they prefer not to?
You sad because you think it's right for another human not to serve another just based on the color of skin. You actually defend that shit.
You sad because you think it's right for another human not to serve another just based on the color of skin. You actually defend that shit.

No. You have drawn a conclusion that I am not going to defend, because that is not my belief. Race is irrelevant. All people have the right of self determination.

It's wrong to MAKE any person of any color serve another. You think it is okay to make people serve others. You are advocating force, I am not.
Whose ground are you standing on Abandon Conflict? How do you abandon conflict by initiating aggression? Teach me.

how is a black person who is driving down a public road, and who sees a sign on that public road advertising gasoline to the public, who then goes into that publicly advertised gasoline station attempting to peacefully buy gasoline, initiating aggression in any way?