Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
I FULLY support our Civil Rights Act that stopped the practice of discrimination based on color,region and gender..
Sorry London, but morality cannot be legislated, those things still happen everyday, the civil rights act stopped nothing.


Well-Known Member
Sorry London, but morality cannot be legislated, those things still happen everyday, the civil rights act stopped nothing.
it’s immoral to kill an innocent human being. They have laws against it. I call that legislated
it’s immoral to steal. Got laws against that as well..again legislated


Well-Known Member
Buck, You have called someone here a coward for not answering your question, It`s been three days now for me trying to get an answer from you about this question asked a second time.

C`mon Buck, answer it.
i want you to tell me more about these "special privileges" and "executive priveleges" that only blacks get to enjoy in america that has you steaming so hard.


Well-Known Member
Civil rights...violate another peaceful persons right to control themselves or their property.
we saw what happened when they exercised that "right", they caused a lot of harm to blacks.

you can't find me one historian who will say otherwise.

so how can it be their right to cause harm?


Well-Known Member
Nor do I attempt to justify controlling other peoples property when that other person is not invading the property of another.
how can someone "invade" a public gas station?

you've taken the act of trying to buy gasoline and turned it into an act of war somehow.

you are genuinely retarded.


Well-Known Member
that restaurant in Arizona, that didn't wish to serve gays............me an' some others turned it into a gay mecca.....lol. check out the reviews. and, I'm not even gay.....lol. you sell progressive, enlightened people short, Buck. its not 1940 anymore.

but, you're a bigot


Well-Known Member
If a person considers making others use their property as they insist, they are contributing to the breaking of the peace.
so a black person going to buy gas is an "invasion", "rape" and "slavery", but a racist business owner kicking black people out of his public gas station is "peaceful"?

you are a deluded fucktard.


Well-Known Member
that restaurant in Arizona, that didn't wish to serve gays............me an' some others turned it into a gay mecca.....lol. check out the reviews. and, I'm not even gay.....lol. you sell progressive, enlightened people short, Buck. its not 1940 anymore.

but, you're a bigot
go ahead and cite some of my bigotry then, dickforbrains.