Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

the law says cannabis is bad, and prohibits it. is that based on morality? most Americans do not think so.
do not murder? yes. based on moral/natural law.
illegal to catch rain water, grow a garden in your front yard, or choose your foods and medicines.........not so much.
I guess there are moral laws, and immoral laws. people confuse Abrahamic traditions with morality. a stretch of my imagination, at least.
I get what you guys are on about re: law and morality. There's a reciprocal relationship. Gov'ts are better off following than leading. On occasion they lead as there is no other option (slavery, human trafficking, protecting the interests of the powerless) .
I get what you guys are on about re: law and morality. There's a reciprocal relationship. Gov'ts are better off following than leading. On occasion they lead as there is no other option (slavery, human trafficking, protecting the interests of the powerless) .

how's Johnson's Great Society workin' out? the War on Poverty? the War on Drugs? the War on Terror.........whenever force is used to achieve a goal, the opposite will result.
it seems like you're sad that you can't call people n***gers.

That`s running around the question and not answering it Buck. At this point you must say something negative about Blacks and wont.

You always won, every time you placed a bet.....
You`re still damn good....
No one`s gotten to you yet....
Every time, they were sure they had you caught....
You were quicker than they thought....
You`d just turn your back and walk....

I always said....
Cards will never do you wrong....
Trick is that....
You never play the game too long....
I gambled here....
It`s the only risk that you would take....
It`s now the only loss you could forsake...
The only bluff you couldn`t fake....

....and you`re still the same.......
how's Johnson's Great Society workin' out? the War on Poverty? the War on Drugs? the War on Terror.........whenever force is used to achieve a goal, the opposite will result.
If you're trying to say that the federal gov't should have sat back and let the Jim Crow South carry on then good luck with that arguments.
Barring that exception, no, I'm not a fan of gov't coercion.
Remember, you guys do have a constitution/conscience to live up to. If you want to secede then have fun fighting another civil war. If not, best to suck it up no?