Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

Never said that. Told Nodrama the same thing.
The statement was made that "You can’t legislate morality"

I merely pointed out we take a moral rule and make it against the law to break it...which shows you can legislate morals.

Immorality can also be legislated and codified as statutory law. It happens all the time.

Legality can coincide with morality and it can deviate from it. I think the best way to decide if a law is protecting a person is to address the injury of the "victim". If they suffered a loss then restitute them.

If there is no victim, then that law is a mala prohibitum kind of law, which is a fancy latin way of saying do as we say regardless if a real crime was committed. For instance prohibition. Generally I think those laws should be ignored.

As an aside, I'd like you to understand something. You and I may disagree on how to solve problems, but I'd appreciate that you at least have an understanding of my beliefs. I am not, and never was advocating anybody be a racist in their thoughts or in their acts.

The part you may have missed is I also think you cannot take away a persons right to control their own property. So, while I may disagree with a racist persons beliefs, I don't think it is up to me or you to do anything to them UNLESS they invade OUR property or attempt to harm our bodies via an actionable act. I do not hang people for their beliefs, I disassociate from them. If a persons actions become aggressive, you or I would have the moral right to defend ourselves. Peace.
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I don't murder because of morals because some motherfuckers do make me want to kill them . I don't murder because its against the law. A law brought on by others morals..Hello

Blind obedience to bad laws can lead to....slavery.....prohibition....and legal theft.

I don't kill, because it is wrong to initiate aggression.