Teas w/ Super Soil Ingredients


Well-Known Member
Running SS for the first time and trying to wrap my brain around organic gardening. Looked at a bunch of different tea recipes, but I was wondering...

Can someone suggest some simple tea recipes using only the ingredients I already have around for making Subcool's Super Soil (plus some molasses)? For those not familiar this would include the following:

worm castings
Blood meal 12-0-0
Bat guano 0-5-0
Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
Epsom salt
Sweet lime (Dolomite)
Azomite ( Trace element)
powdered Humic acid
(and I have some molasses)

I also have some super soil that has been cooking forever now, I *think* this would count as a compost and would make an excellent starter for tea but not sure!

I'm especially interested in AACT and also a simple high-P tea for feeding later in flower if needed.

If you had these ingredients in the garage, what kind of teas would you mix up?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
personally i would brew up the super soil mix. it has everything you need and nutrients that are broken down. the broken down nutrients will probably be better for adding nutrients through a tea. the microbes will have some digesting or what not and it might be water soluble after it is broken down. for the reason that most amendments are not water soluble i make a simple tea since i have not cooked up and nutrient tea mix yet. i feel like it is kind of a waste to put amendments in a tea unless they are broken down first. i do not know if mine thoughts are accurate or correct it just makes sense since most nutrients are insoluble. mine tea is just

1 part ancient forest compost(humus)
1 part EWC
a good splash of kelp juice and a few tbsp of molasses.

since you are using SS which is very hot i would just add a basic compost tea like mine and let the microbes bring the plant the nutrients. i doubt you will runout of nutrients most do not with super soil. good luck wbd


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Understood about likely not running out of food in SS, but I'm runningoutdoors and concerned with all the rain we've had that I may have lost some of the good stuff out of my soil, so I want to be prepared to feed if necessary.

Using the SS + some molasses, what ratios to water would you use on the tea? And I brew it for 48 hours, right?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
maybe also some extra EWC into the SS. but for ratio im not sure i use about a handful total of mix for 2 gallons of water. so i would say like 2 handfuls. maybe even less. sometimes less is more. im using a little less mix than normal today. but you can start out at any amount and add more or less. the microbes will always multiple might just need more brewing time for less mix. brew time is also a preference. some go 48 some go 24 some go 18. the guy at my local shop does 18 and he sees alot of microbes under a scope. i go around 24 i never get foam. but that is since my kelp has oil in it.


Active Member
deffinitely dont be afraid of going overboard with castings in a tea, it really cant be done so use a bunch. and with castings, the fresher the better.



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

Anyone else have recipe ideas for teas using only Super Soil ingredients and molasses?