Technaflora B.C nutrients


Well-Known Member
I got this quite a while ago. I plan on going with something different, but wanted to use this up first. I am using it in soil now. My question is, can you use these with descent results without the B.C. Boost ? You use it with grow and bloom. So of course i ran out of it first. If not, is there something you can replace it with that you can get without having to order online ? The boost has Nitrogen, Potash, Calcium, and iron in it, if that helps.
I also have Dynagro(Grow and bloom formulas), and also Awesome Blossoms, Technaflora B1 red and green, and about every kind of Miracle Grow they make. Would I be better off using some combination of these to get the best results ? Im guessing not Miracle Grow, but I have it. So I figured I'd throw it in there. lol


Well-Known Member
I think you do need the BC boost despite being called "boost". It contains the calcium nitrate and iron chelates. You could replace it with calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and iron chelates.

If you're growing in soil, you don't need hydroponic nutrients anyway.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, that's how they get ya-- by giving you half enough of the Boost to finish out the starter pack it puts you on the perpetual cycle of buying more as the bottles run out one after the other. I used the starter pack until the Boost ran out and then switched to DynaGro halfway in flower. That was in DWC, though. In the future if you want to stay soil I suggest going organic, if you wan't to stick with synthetic nutes then consider switching to coco coir as your medium.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was doing hydro. Which is why I got that to begin with. I will just go with the Dynagro I guess. Thanks alot guys.