Technaflora , new product Iam trying out ?



Has anyone tried this product . And what you guys think on the the amount they say to take ? Thanks for any help ..


Well-Known Member
Was the first nite line I used. It will work but there definitely better systems out there. Start at 1/4 strength. I never fed at 100%...I pushed it to 3/4.


Right on solid advice , what kits do you like ?And yea I won go strong any more was kind of wondering about that ...


Well-Known Member
Technaflora line is good for getting acclimated to the hobby. What I found was that after I received samples of House & Garden nutes, I noticed an immediate difference and never looked back. Now the only thing I use is the sugar daddy and I don't use it in my DWC herb buckets but in my veggie beds. I have tried Rock Nutrients, H&G and Cutting Edge Solutions and all 3 product lines are superior to technaflora in my opinion. Technaflora's cal/mag supplement is top notch though. I will still use it when my plants need a cal/mag boost.


Thanks alot still trying to understand what I need and dont kind of confusing .But thanks I'll give them a try next ..


Well-Known Member
Plants need N P K. Don't complicate it. Run your technaflora and get yourself familiar with the operation. You will produce buds and good ones with technaflora. As you get your knowledge and experience up then splurge on more expensive products. Also, before you buying shit, write these companies. Many will give you free samples. H&G sent me their entire line and all I paid was $20 shipping. Rock sent me their line for free. Tell them you are running technaflora and want to compare.

But honestly, you will be just fine with Technaflora if you pay attention to your plants.


I couldnt agree more with you , yes I doing my firsy dwc garden ) , and I mean I spent 150 just in all the bs that you have to have , its more of a lil hobby .And thank you for all the helpful info..