Technique/theory that I'm considering...Let me know what you think


So I have an outdoor plant in it's 12th week of growth, she seems to be doing well - nice and tall and pistils growing from multiple colas. Unfortunately it turns out I will be leaving somewhere in about 1 month. So I was hoping to somehow induce flowering early in the outdoors. Right now the days are a little under 14 hours a day. This may sound ridiculous, but Im struggling for ideas here...

I was thinking about using a tall box to place over her and block out the last 2 hours of sunlight - to make the plant think the days are shorter. I know this would limit the CO2 supply... but I was thinking I could maybe make some small holes in the box to give the plant some ventilation, while still cutting out a great deal of sunlight. If anyone has ever heard of or used this technique, please let me know how it works! Or if you could project how you think it might work, that would help too. Thanks guys! :-P


Well-Known Member
your theory is not new. ppl do this all the time and have been for a long time. some use boxes, others use trash cans, others use trash bags.


your theory is not new. ppl do this all the time and have been for a long time. some use boxes, others use trash cans, others use trash bags.
Okay thanks I figured I wasn't the first one who has thought of this. So are the holes in the cover (box) necessary?

Or could you guide me to a thread that has some info on this technique?


Well-Known Member
im guessing they wudnt hurt, as long as they were towards the bottom and no light got thru them and hit the leaves. Like I said alot of growers do it, including me. I usually use a big trash can with no holes.


Active Member
plants only use co2 for photosynthesis when there is light.
No light, they don't need co2.
you dont need any holes.

and instead of trying to calculate needing the box or can for 2~ hours.
place the can on it for 12 hours exactly. and then remove it for the other 12.