Teenage smoking story time


Well-Known Member
You reminded me of a tin can story. Some friends and I skipped school one day to smoke this tiny bit of weed my friend had. My friend Heather was like 4' 9" or so and she hit this coke can with holes so hard that she torched all the weed in one hit. We called her big hitter. Then for some reason it got changed to big shitty. From then on she was known as our friend big shitty :lol:
haha that remindsme one time i got drunk and baked and then i went home and nobdy was home so i smoked a few bowls and then pasted out and my mom came home woke me up and was apperntly talking to me and ill i did was pee and eat chips and went back to bed not knowing she was even there till the next day when she toild me about it lol


Well-Known Member
Ha when I was 17 me and i think 5 buddies took a van down to the puyallup fair(largest fair in the world). anyways we hotboxed a quarter all the way down there (about 1 hr 30 from where i live, on the freeway most of the way). we had 3 pieces and always had one going around including the driver. anyways we didnt air it out till we were about 15 minutes away from the fair. so lucky we didnt get pulled over or anything, bcuz we didnt give a fuck who saw.

when we got to the fair we were so damn ripped and smelled terrible. we mustve passed 50 cops while we were there and not one said anything. it was so obvious. and the fair is the perfect place to be stoned. they have rides and every type of munchie imaginable...i remember we all got root beer floats and sat at an outdoor table. then two golf cart like vehicles pulled up right next to our table, 2 cops in each. we were scared shitless and just sat there trying to enjoy our floats. they looked at us a few times and i swear they mustve known. turned out they were just getting food at a stand right next to the one we got our floats.

now that I think about it, getting caught for weed is just stupid. dont be paranoid but dont be a dumbass either. a lot of bud smokers dont know the difference (at least teenagers)

sweet forts btw, that first one that has myspace pics, the top tower would be so chill to just go up there and smoke a blunt. just be careful not to lose balance..haha.

that 2nd fort...WOW. its huge. and enclosed. nice work that mustve taken a long time!