Tell me about your Bicycle

I love this
Seriously I use the grease on more than bike parts! :)
that's motobecane bike right? Their prices and warranty are crazy. To bad bikesdirect doesn't ship to Canada.
yep, exactly! there is another name of one of their "house" brands but i got a motobecane. gravity is another one i think.

but yeah, the prices are crazy low for what you get. the frames are just plain jane but everything else is top shelf stuff.
I love this
Seriously I use the grease on more than bike parts! :)

I was expecting a link to ky lube lol.

I use tenacious oil on my road bike, but prefer wd40 bike dry lube for mountain... it doesn't pick up as much dirt. I have a tube of park polylube that I'll use htis time but I'll try the phil woods grease when I run out.
yep, exactly! there is another name of one of their "house" brands but i got a motobecane. gravity is another one i think.

but yeah, the prices are crazy low for what you get. the frames are just plain jane but everything else is top shelf stuff.

I don't see how they can sell that cheap. I bought my road bike used with lower end sora components for more than bd sold a new bike with 105 components.
I was expecting a link to ky lube lol.

I use tenacious oil on my road bike, but prefer wd40 bike dry lube for mountain... it doesn't pick up as much dirt. I have a tube of park polylube that I'll use htis time but I'll try the phil woods grease when I run out.

Chains and such are dry lube areas..... you'll like it for axles. And light application on threads that get used frequently...or steel to alu surfaces. That's where it is used best.
i don't either unless they get those frames from China for pennies. and you get free shipping too on a monstrous box which must cost a bit as well.

Skis, boards and bikes are built in factories that produce for many different brands. Slight differences make things more affordable if the tooling is there.
Got my fat tire “bikepacking” setup almost I’d say more like a fat tire gravel touring bike, which is what I originally imagined I’d be doing on this bike. no suspension, and too unwieldy for trails, but perfect for fire roads, logging roads, random wilderness access roads, etc.

Next up, the motor and battery.


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I feel it brother, whatever it takes to get out there riding. If you want any suggestions, I’ve been looking at(and buying) a lot of cheap big box and department store bikes lately
I dunno why but im a sucker for mongoose. They havent had any in stovk in a while tho
Yeah. Like it sounds. I know at least a few members here ride. I'd love to hear about your experience. What type of riding you do, what kinda bike you use, any upgrades or hacks you've done to it. Pictures are a huge plus!

@Laughing Grass @sarahJane211 are the ones that come to mind off the bat. But please! Don't be shy!

Personally, I have recently gotten into Ebikes. I already built a cruiser with a 1000w front hub motor and an 18ah battery. But now I'm looking into building a "gravel" bike. Fat tire 7 speed with the capability to ride on gravel roads, fire breaks, the beach, etc. It will also be a powered bike, but with a mid-drive motor powering the drivetrain eventually to get the maximum amount of torque out of it.

Oh, mods, please don't move this to the Fitness section. You know as well as I do that that is a death sentence for a thread here on
I ride my bicycle on week ends she can drop 3 kg per hour, I let her in at 1800 by 2200 shes completly out,
I know the cops have tagged her and I always ensure, she's well armed, she used to carry an old Makarov,
now thats a Sig p220 the extra weight is justified, and yeah its legal

wait bicycle thats a different meaning
Wow never seen this thread till today. Man I love my bikes. For me I am 6 foot five so bikes are hard to fiind. I have a few I can share, but the pics on another devise. I'll be back.
A few of my bikes. this is one of my gravel bikes.20170518_161308[1].jpg
this is a titanium lemond. light fast and a great ride.
this giant is another gravel bike.
i thought a front fort with suspension would be nice. just added weight, not needed
as you can see i like my aero bars. it allows me another position while on long rides. i do a lot of 40 to 60 mile rides mostly on gravel rail trails. My other bit i have on all my bikes is a mount with 1/4-20 threads for my bluetooth speaker. because why ride with no tunes. gotta have my Buddy Guy or Joe Bonamassa.