Tell me about your Bicycle

I guess I haven’t updated in a while. I posted in other threads, but not this one…lol

Someone gave me an electric moped recently, so I’ve been having fun zipping around on that.

Also downloaded a new app called Relive, which is pretty cool. Only taken one ride since I downloaded it, but it works a little something like this…

Oh Hell yeah!! That Rocks!
A happy medium is
Good for me. Padded bike shorts and those ugly peddle
Shoes . Lol. I am not quite there yet. I look but they are so goofy. Styles are improving though .
I wear regular shorts on top of my padded cycling shorts. As for the shoe's, unless it's a bmx, clipless peddles are the only way I roll. You can get regular street looking shoes, that are compatible with clipless.
My new-to-me winter ride and for shooting into town. Shorts and t-shirt no matter the weather and much faster than an ordinary bike except when going up a big hill.

Doesn't fit in my vehicle so I rode it home, which was... an adventure. 93 miles, the first 60 were flat. The second climb featured 1.4 miles of 7.8% average grade (11.5% max, 1.61 FIETS) which was a real motherfucker since the contraption weighs at least 65lbs and I had my 15" laptop, a 3lb u-lock, spare tires and a bunch of other shit like I was going on tour. The first climb was 1.7 mile 4.4% average, the third a 1.7 mile 6.0% average (I was delirious at that point), and the last had a mile of 5.1% The last one was easy because I was all hopped up on Red Bull from the lone biker bar in the middle of the mountains. Shit works great when you don't normally drink caffeine.

I think need a Schlumpf Mountain Drive for it since I doubt I can make the granny smaller without losing teeth on the big ring, which tops out at only 38 mph or so. Something I could do with the money I saved on not renting a truck or getting a room at the foot of the mountains.


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my new bicycle 1998 dual sport cafe racer rear sets, raised front end , multi jointed pipes, incorporated breaker switches into the electrical system for trouble shooting ,dual disc front brakes sits back going into fifth just a blast to ride
My new-to-me winter ride and for shooting into town. Shorts and t-shirt no matter the weather and much faster than an ordinary bike except when going up a big hill.

Doesn't fit in my vehicle so I rode it home, which was... an adventure. 93 miles, the first 60 were flat. The second climb featured 1.4 miles of 7.8% average grade (11.5% max, 1.61 FIETS) which was a real motherfucker since the contraption weighs at least 65lbs and I had my 15" laptop, a 3lb u-lock, spare tires and a bunch of other shit like I was going on tour. The first climb was 1.7 mile 4.4% average, the third a 1.7 mile 6.0% average (I was delirious at that point), and the last had a mile of 5.1% The last one was easy because I was all hopped up on Red Bull from the lone biker bar in the middle of the mountains. Shit works great when you don't normally drink caffeine.

I think need a Schlumpf Mountain Drive for it since I doubt I can make the granny smaller without losing teeth on the big ring, which tops out at only 38 mph or so. Something I could do with the money I saved on not renting a truck or getting a room at the foot of the mountains.
Did a 400k group ride awhile back, couple of guys were on recumbent style rides. One guy did it with pretty much off the couch fitness, things are practically cheating! Have fun on the new ride!
My new-to-me winter ride and for shooting into town. Shorts and t-shirt no matter the weather and much faster than an ordinary bike except when going up a big hill.

Doesn't fit in my vehicle so I rode it home, which was... an adventure. 93 miles, the first 60 were flat. The second climb featured 1.4 miles of 7.8% average grade (11.5% max, 1.61 FIETS) which was a real motherfucker since the contraption weighs at least 65lbs and I had my 15" laptop, a 3lb u-lock, spare tires and a bunch of other shit like I was going on tour. The first climb was 1.7 mile 4.4% average, the third a 1.7 mile 6.0% average (I was delirious at that point), and the last had a mile of 5.1% The last one was easy because I was all hopped up on Red Bull from the lone biker bar in the middle of the mountains. Shit works great when you don't normally drink caffeine.

I think need a Schlumpf Mountain Drive for it since I doubt I can make the granny smaller without losing teeth on the big ring, which tops out at only 38 mph or so. Something I could do with the money I saved on not renting a truck or getting a room at the foot of the mountains.
Needs custom paint!