Tell me about your Bicycle

I think I will pass. There is another bike ride up in Yreka this weekend and they are only asking $25 and have beer instead or strawberries. I would do that one but it’s over 5 miles north and not gonna drive that far .
Organized rides and races are getting really stupid with how much they promoters are asking for. We have a gravel event here that is 5 days 4 nights. With food and parking for a RV its over $2300. little less if you are planning on camping in a tent. The thing is all the events are on public roads. With things like RIDEGPS you can download the route to a garmin or phone and go ride the route using your own supplies for a fraction of the cost. Its what many folks are doing now days in protest for how expensive the events have become.
Organized rides and races are getting really stupid with how much they promoters are asking for. We have a gravel event here that is 5 days 4 nights. With food and parking for a RV its over $2300. little less if you are planning on camping in a tent. The thing is all the events are on public roads. With things like RIDEGPS you can download the route to a garmin or phone and go ride the route using your own supplies for a fraction of the cost. Its what many folks are doing now days in protest for how expensive the events have become.
What a rip off. Lol. I was thinking about doing that but what if I got really hot and had no water and wanted some from the volunteer and she was like , “ you can’t have any because you didn’t pay.” That’s embarrassing. It’s just not worth mixing with these people as far as I am concerned.
What a rip off. Lol. I was thinking about doing that but what if I got really hot and had no water and wanted some from the volunteer and she was like , “ you can’t have any because you didn’t pay.” That’s embarrassing. It’s just not worth mixing with these people as far as I am concerned.
Yeah its best to always be self contained for a big ride. We usually just stop at small stores along with packing two large bottles and camel back style pack with at least another 100 oz of H20 plus all the food a person will need for the ride length. Most of the folks who do the charity rides are pretty nice people. Hope you get out to some sort of organized ride.
In my state, you're supposed to ride on the road as far to the right _as practicable_ and it says if there isn't enough room for a car and a bike to travel side by side safely, including three feet of passing distance, you're supposed to take the whole lane.

I ride my velomobile in a rural area on a lot of twisty, hilly roads with little to no shoulder so I do a lot of riding in the middle of the lane. Frequently this is me spinning up a big ass hill at 3 mph. Normally, people just drive around me. When it's really twisty and cars wont pass me I pull off at the next turnout or driveway and let people pass, but it has to be a real paved or gravel turnout where I can get all the way off the road.

Normally, no problems at all and people are really friendly because they think a velomobile is a car and people love cars. I think people are surprised that I pull over, too. Unfortunately, last weekend I ran into some guy who had a bad morning and decided to take it out on me. Came up behind me honking then pulled around and stopped in front in me in the middle of the lane and opened his door and started yelling at me. Tried to tell me how he was a cyclist who "rides legally" and a bunch of other bullshit. Called me an asshole, lol.

I said "thanks for the tip!" but I don't think I should respond to these people at all, just pull out my phone and start the video camera.

Anyone else here have issues with asshole drivers?
In my state, you're supposed to ride on the road as far to the right _as practicable_ and it says if there isn't enough room for a car and a bike to travel side by side safely, including three feet of passing distance, you're supposed to take the whole lane.

I ride my velomobile in a rural area on a lot of twisty, hilly roads with little to no shoulder so I do a lot of riding in the middle of the lane. Frequently this is me spinning up a big ass hill at 3 mph. Normally, people just drive around me. When it's really twisty and cars wont pass me I pull off at the next turnout or driveway and let people pass, but it has to be a real paved or gravel turnout where I can get all the way off the road.

Normally, no problems at all and people are really friendly because they think a velomobile is a car and people love cars. I think people are surprised that I pull over, too. Unfortunately, last weekend I ran into some guy who had a bad morning and decided to take it out on me. Came up behind me honking then pulled around and stopped in front in me in the middle of the lane and opened his door and started yelling at me. Tried to tell me how he was a cyclist who "rides legally" and a bunch of other bullshit. Called me an asshole, lol.

I said "thanks for the tip!" but I don't think I should respond to these people at all, just pull out my phone and start the video camera.

Anyone else here have issues with asshole drivers?

Conflicts between drivers and riders have been around since the car was invented. Sadly the conflicts are worse here in the US because of our countries love of driving. We had a cyclist in our town who was cut off and when he said something to the driver they took off and went around the block to pass him again and shot him. He was lucky to have lived. Many conflicts can be avoided by simply not feeding into a situation such as what you experienced and did. Sadly the reasons above are the reason why things like Zwift and other web based riding apps continue to grow and thrive.

I’ve got a bike you can ride it if you like. It’s got a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good.
Been eyeballing these for me and Mamashark. Not sure if I want the mid range or just go with long range. I'm sure I'll hate myself if I go mid range


Been eyeballing these for me and Mamashark. Not sure if I want the mid range or just go with long range. I'm sure I'll hate myself if I go mid range


You will want the long range, and if you are anything like me you'll want even MORE power.

You could build a 1500 watt bike for $600 plus the cost of the donor bike, and it will walk up any hill without any pedaling. I have a range of about 25+ miles with the battery I have. About 35 mph, which is too fast on a bicycle. I rarely ride over 20 mph but it's nice to have the power.

Easy build.

We will be driving cross country next month ( from Cali to NC ) and I am scoping out cool bike trails to do along the way. The Grand Canyon for sure and i found another
Bike trail in Little Rock Arkansas that looks sweet. I look for paved scenic trails with no car access. Does anyone have any recommendations ? :D
I'm rebuilding an old Scwinn Varsity from the ground up. I repacked the wheel bearings and cleaned up the wheels yesterday. I found a couple of donor bikes at the landfill and I've got enough parts to finish it and turn one of the donors into a single speed.

I plan on priming the frame tomorrow.