Tell me about your Bicycle

Thanks LG. It does suck. I really liked the bike and had added a bunch of accessories to make it ride well. I have been in touch with my renters insurance and will think about filling a claim. I have a $250 deductible and bought the bike used on offer up for $220 but then I put a lot of money into it with ergonomic grips, a new seat, a tune up, special puncture resistant tubes, handlebar riser, cell phone mount, tire repair kit. So a couple hundred added after I purchased it.

:( I just saw your bike a few pages back. You feel so violated when people steal from you.
:( I just saw your bike a few pages back. You feel so violated when people steal from you.
I do feel violated. Like someone was stalking me. My bike wasn’t that top of the line and really not worth someone getting caught stealing it. They went through a lot of trouble trying to get the key to work on the bike cage lock that always stuck and came in with bolt cutters to cut my lock. I feels like more personal than anything and I keep to myself and work hard taking care of cancer patients every day and I used that bike to get to work and have fun on the weekends. I hope karma bites that ssshole who stole my bike hard.
Something to watch on the trainer: (Legally) Blind Guy rides the Great Divide MTB Route solo. He only has peripheral vision so he can see his handlebars and the ground right in front of his bike but not much else.

if you click through to YT, this is the last video in a playlist of all of the videos he made documenting his adventure on the GDMTBR
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If you're average size or a bit bigger and you don't have to have the latest and greatest check out Craigslist or FBM. You can get awesome bikes for a song because there are so many used bikes on the market. Nothing is moving, make an offer!

Closely related is to start doing all of your own maintenance and put that money into the bike instead. Then you have skills to fix up a used bike without paying a lot more. It doesn't take much more time than transporting your bike back and forth to the shop. There are tons of videos on YT showing you exactly how to do anything. With the cost of a single tune-up you can get the tools to do most maintenance tasks (hex wrenches, a quick link tool, chain breaker, cable housing cutter, etc...)
Stopped at a random porta-a-potty up in the hills between a couple of passes and ran into a guy who was velomobile-curious so we got to talking. Turns out he is a mechanical engineer for a big bike company. He was wearing color-coordinated full company kit, logo on everything: shoes, socks, shorts, jersey, gloves, helmet, everything.... except his bike, which was painted white and had no logos or writing on it at all. ;-)