Tell Me!?!..What will this do?!?

phenix white

Active Member
8 cfl's 75-100-125 watt equilevent, mixed blues and red soft whites.)..150 watt HPS..lights...Fish emulsion/black strap mollasses/bone meal/.... a small grow closet/maylar refelctive/good fans/ventelation yeast/sugar/water co2.???


Well-Known Member
first off, what watt are the cfls? saying what watt they are = to in incandesent isent helpfull. but id say it wont do much without seeds or clones =)

sounds fine tho should be good lighting for a small closet just keep a eye on temps

phenix white

Active Member
cool.. the cfl's are mixed watts of 75,100 125 eqilvilent..they are the spiral compact florus...the seeds are attitude seed! and iwant alota yeild and quality for my set many plants can i grow good with this set-up? i expect 2-3 plants...


Active Member
your telling us the relative incandescent wattage. we need to know the true cfl wattage, i.e 13w,23w,42w etc.
Put the 150w HPS over top and the cfls surrounding the area of the plants, two good fans probably a 4 inch and a 8-10 inch a great way to save money is put a strong bathroom fart fan in the top of the closet. that with the mylar your gonna be pretty much set to grow some good marijuana. Good luck!

phenix white

Active Member
i was thinkn i need to do that with the cfl's for sure!
Put the 150w HPS over top and the cfls surrounding the area of the plants, two good fans probably a 4 inch and a 8-10 inch a great way to save money is put a strong bathroom fart fan in the top of the closet. that with the mylar your gonna be pretty much set to grow some good marijuana. Good luck!