Temp control


Thinking of adding a 600 watt. I currently have a 400 watt and the temps get pretty, I only run a box fan to keep the temps down and its been working so far. I know adding a 600 would increase the temps drastically so can anybody out there help me out. I live in California so its get pretty hot in the summer, what kind of fan set up will I need for this to work?



A Blower would probably be best move a lot of air I have run a small Dayton blower non stop for over 3 years now. I am afraid to shut it off till I get another pretty sure it wont spin up again.


Depends on ambient temp, and where your exhausting heat.

- Jiji
Sorry for the delayed response, I would like to exhaust it into the room if that would work? I figure if I get a AC unit in my room it would keep it cool enough. When the light is on and its summer time the temps stay around the upper 80's which is the reason I am looking into exhausting air from my closet into my room or outside.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you got an air conditioner it would work. But if you got a fan and exhausted into another room it would be cheaper.

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
keep your ballast out side your grow and use a hood with a duct on it so you can vent the heat out or get a cool tube and pull air right from outside past the tube and back outside again


Well-Known Member
Get an inline fan with auto-transformer to control speed, and the bigger the inline fan you get, the lower the speed you can run it on. The reason you want to run a big fan low, is it will be much quieter than running a smaller fan at full speed.

You can usually pick fans up pretty cheap on CL in cali since a lot of peeps grow once or twice then sell their gear. Just be safe, people on the internets can be weird.
