Temp Fluctuations ?


I was buzzed when i started my flowering , so the light turns on at 12 midnight and off 12 noon . the thing is the temp is 70-78 when the light is on. but when the light turns off ,since its 12 noon the temp is 76-82 in till about 5pm than the temp is around 64-74 . what the worst thing that could happen? and can i slowly change the time to turn on at 5am and turn off 5pm.?..

thanks e5


Even if its hotter for half of the dark period ? its more like a third of the dark time. but if its cool , than i guess i will stop trippin



Active Member
thats not a bad temp range, a little warm but not too out of whack. is your exhaust fan on a timer or is it on constantly? if its on a timer you could set it to come on earlier and run later than the light to cool down the room.


Active Member
how large is your grow space? if its more than a cabinet, you may consider putting an active intake fan in there to run for a few hours during your hottest period. you must be some where warm for you day time temps to be in that range. is it summer or winter where you are? i think its interesting that the highest temps are right at the beginning of the dark period but your over all temp range is totally normal. you could also put a couple frozen gallon jugs in front of the fan to cool it down a few degrees. be aware that they sweat an should be put in a tray or something.


i have 4x4x7 flower room and a 2x4 veg room. its winter where im at , but its the end of the world so every other week is summer than winter. that's a great ideal with the frozen jugs , i will most likely do that til i change my time .
Thanks e5


Well-Known Member
64 is a little low but not enough that you should worry much. If the difference between its hottest temps and coldest is only 14 degrees you should be fine.

I do remember reading some articles once talking about how one of the biggest factors in yields for tomato plants was having constant temperatures. But you're growing marijuana I presume, it shouldn't be as big of a deal