

hey guys! my digital thermometer reads 90-95, but my handheld laser thermometer reads 75-80 directly on the plants... my handheld is a $300 snap-on laser thermometer, and the digital was $10 from wal-mart. any thoughts?:neutral:


New Member
IDK but the digital one sounds like its reading the temp of the plants themselves maybe while the walmart one is actually reading air temps...75-80 at your plants canopy is right where u want it, 80-85 is okay but 90F+ is pushing it bigtime, do you see leaf cupping from heat stress?


well, i have a 5x5x7 grow tent with a cool sun reflector (1000w mh) with a 6" 490 cfm wind tunnel cooling it... 4" intake and exhaust fans running for 1 minute every 45 min. 2 small 6" ciculating fans


Well-Known Member
Oh i see, did you take temp readings before you timed the fans? Im thinking you need them on all the time. i have a grow that stays at 88 degrees, so ive seen 90 degree temps before.


i started the grow on that air exchange cycle... scared to run the fans all the time. thought humidity had to be at about 60? as long as they dont look stressed im ok right? they are a good green color and perky...