Tempature question


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 inch vortex fan in my 2*4 area in my closet with a 400w bulb in a bar reflector and i also have a regular NON isolating fan blowing directly beside the bulb. My tempature went up to about 89F when i then decided to turn off everything and wait 2 more weeks to fall like weather starts and it will be a bit cooler in my room! Do you guys think i should just start anyways? im gunna have 6 kushberrys (already started at a friends place)


Well-Known Member
Hi :)

Welcome to RiU :0

Pics of your fan set up would help a bit , We might be able to advise you on how best to try and bring temps down :)

It's been said that young Vegging plants don't mind higher temps as long as it plenty humid , So if you can manage humidity and keep it high ... you should be fine .

However ,Lower temps are vital in flow stage, Its better to know you CAN get your temps down befor you flower your plants .

Post a few pic's , It may be the case that a few tweaks here and there can be made to help you manage your temps befor you start anything ( It really does make a huge difference )

Have fun here ...and READ lot's :)
V :peace:


Well-Known Member

First picture is where my tempature sensor is..... i have i covered with a peice of black garbage bag to try to take some of the heat off from the bulb and just take the temp in the air of the room. I also have questions about where i should place my sensor in m grow room, second picis my light, third pic is my vortex fan and my final pic is the outside of my door where in the bottom right corner i have my ballast and in the wall behind that dresser is the timerfor when i need it! im also gunna be putting up mylar on the walls but i think that might evan make it hotter.... any ideas ppl

