Temperature 80.6 degrees F, even with fan :(


Well-Known Member
With my current 150w HPS setup, the temperature is 80.6 degrees F, even with fan blowing past it. :(

Is this too hot? Or should I not worry?


Active Member
it's fine just don't let it get up to 85 or higher if you can try adding another fan 75-78 is optimal temps


Well-Known Member
it's fine just don't let it get up to 85 or higher if you can try adding another fan 75-78 is optimal temps
Thanks, I won't. What do you do when your plants are all different heights? My tallest plant is about to get too close to the 150w hps, and the rest are at least 3 inches shorter than the tall one.


Well-Known Member
LST = Low stress training, basically tying the plant down or off to the side to make it smaller, also makes the stems stronger n such.. search a little and you'll be on your way :-D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the ideas. As for LST, it's probably too late to try that on my tallest plant, and I don't want to prune the top either. I think I'll just raise the light and place the smaller plants on boxes.


Well-Known Member
How tall is too tall?

Just tie them down some. When the tension is lessened from the plant learning it, tighten it up a little more. I have a 2-3 foot plant I'm planning on a little LST'ing (but just to open it up to the light)