temperature controll question

wango dango

Active Member
i have just started a grow using a diy rubbermaid grow box. The problem is, the grow box has to be in the attic, where the temperature easily reaches 100F. Will this affect the temperature inside the box if i have an oscillating fan inside and a computer fan exhaust? or will i have to do somthing to cool everything down? help!


Well-Known Member
If your ambient temp outside the box is 100F then I doubt there will be anything to make it cooler inside the box. You will have to look into portable ac or try to relocate to a cooler area.


Well-Known Member
Yea man, you will have some heating issues most def! Not sure what you could do to help that. Try Google, she knows all!

wango dango

Active Member
If i were to line the inside of my grow box with one of those emergency camping blankets, and then constantly circulate cooler air from outside into the box, could i keep the box cool enough? Im thinking that the blanket would insulate the inside of the box, and prevent the temp in the attic from affecting the internal temp of the box.

Portable AC is a little bit above my budget, and i cant seem to find any other solutions.


Active Member
Im on my second attempt at growing and I know that the ideal temp is around 70-80F. My grow box is at around 87-92. I havent attempted it yet but I read somewhere that dry ice might be a good idea to lower temps in hot spaces.

My space is not in an attic but in a closet with little exaust, so the temps dont flaxuate that extremly, but fell free to try something new.


Active Member
My apologies,
I have a grow tent.
There is just not ideal ventilation, but Im working on it

btw, I love your avatar...lmao