Temperature differences and plant reactions?? From Experience if possible! FUBAR


New Member
Im into wk 6_7 of flower! Started from Sensi Master Kush Feminised Seeds, Veged for 12 wk, topped, bending etc. Kept them till 2ft an started flowering.

2 x 600w over 1200mm x 2500mm. My rooms not the most insulated,temp range (lowest 7.6c highest 27.4c stabilised from wk 4, (L 9.6c H 26.6c).

Im curious too know the most effects from the stress caused by different in temp. I remove any stressed / purple stemed leafs as a counter?

Happy Dayz !


Well-Known Member
I don't know the answer to your question about temp swing, but taking leaves off isnt gonna fix it. If you break your toe you don't cut your foot off. Know what I mean


Well-Known Member
afaik, it would cause the fan leaves to canoe (curl upwards). as for the buds, high temps would make it more airy cause of the heat.

as for the fluctuations, i can't really chyme in on that since it's constantly warm (25-30c) here


Well-Known Member
With lows like yours, purpling stems and leaves may even be expected. But they certainly aren't harmful. At worst they're an indicator something is wrong. A symptom.

Other than red/purple petioles and leaves, do you have any reason to think something is wrong? Are any of the larger branches or the main stem reddening or purpling, or just the petioles? On top, bottom, all the way around?

Guess it may not matter now, if you've removed them. I wouldn't do that anymore. A good waste of food production and storage.