Temporary Insanity on Hallucinogens?


Well-Known Member
The first time i did k i was rolling balls and i took alot in one shot and lauched myself into a hole. I had no idea what happened and lost touch i thought that the hole was my new reailty and that i was stuck there forever it scared the shit out of me. I saw patterns and the craziest shit i ever seen. Then finally my friend saw me and snaped me out of it and i was like holy shit what the fuck just happened. Ive always heard of khole but till then had no idea what they were about till i entered one. Now when i do k and i pass that point i can feel them coming on so i know whats coming. just scared the shit outta me the first time and i thought i went insane.


hate to say it bt look at the famous cases of acid insanity, syd barrett was never the same and that guy already had creativity and purpose but abusing acid for more than its purpose is what can cause the psychadelic reaction to turn into a psycotic reaction that changes you from the person you used to be to the braindead waste that people look at, its scary.
ive done my rodeo with acid about 10 times now and i think iv gotten all im ever gonna get out of it before it could ever be a habit.
il stick to some sticky home made hash and bud and some speed :)


Well-Known Member
hate to say it bt look at the famous cases of acid insanity, syd barrett was never the same and that guy already had creativity and purpose but abusing acid for more than its purpose is what can cause the psychadelic reaction to turn into a psycotic reaction that changes you from the person you used to be to the braindead waste that people look at, its scary.
ive done my rodeo with acid about 10 times now and i think iv gotten all im ever gonna get out of it before it could ever be a habit.
il stick to some sticky home made hash and bud and some speed :)
You forget that drugs arent bad until abused.....
i dont do drugs just weed....but some drugs have a bad rap...like lsd in the case/ thread....
just because u try drugs 20 or 30 times doesnt meen it fucks up your life ....
Look at history my friend....
Sigmind Frued was an avid coke head before he started his studies on the brain n mind....
He had problems with addiction ... but came outta it ... after a 10 year binge.....
Further more, really shortened point, drugs can take our minds to places we havnt been ...
And "cocaine is one hell of a drug" rick james quote....
Need i say more ...long before civilization and even still to this day indiginous tribes use drugs, plant erbs, as a spiritual ritualistic means of being one with the spiritual world....
So dont bash drugs there not gonna turn people into retards...look at charlie sheen....lol


But youre missing the point that psychadeilcs arent meant to be abused, the after damage of a hallucinagenic binge ... my sister and her friends were in a high rise flat, after an acid binge her mate seen the budgie and decided he could fly ... turns out he couldnt and the police had to peel him off the car park ...
all im saying is its fun for the mind opening scenarios however dont give it the respect it deserves and you could end up another statistic