Temps dropped to 27f


Well-Known Member
Im on my finally 2 week window for harvest, my furnace turned off, causing my temps to drop to 27f with light off and 57f with light on for about a day and a half. Do you think this will stunt my swelling and growth? Or should I not worry about anything. But let me tell you, they don't look very happy.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
could lose them all . there is water in the stems leafs . it freezes and ruptures . then its fucked leaves will all lay lifeless then change color dead . keep it warm will it come back ? idk sorry man hope your only have the plants for a hobby .

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Most likely they'll be fine. I've had plants survive a few frosts outside.

I recently left a seedling (few leaf sets) in my car overnight by mistake, low of 6° that night! The plant, when introduced into my warm humid grow room the next day, just kept growing.