Temps hitting 100f (38c) tomorrow


Active Member
Hey guys

as the title says tomorrow the temps outside are going to reach nearly 40 degrees with summer less than a week away it looks like its going to be a hot one, is there anything in particular I can do to reduce the heat stress to the plants when the temps hit this high.

1 plant in a 10 gal container
2 in 5 gal container

Im thinking about just leaving them in the shade.


leaving them in the shade is about your best bet, if they are close to you and easily accessbile, maybe during peak hours you can mist them with cold water, but that will only help so much, if its only one day and they are ''outside'' plants i wouldnt worry about it to much, just shade em and hope the temps drop in the coming weeks


Active Member
Being at work all day I won't be able to watch for water stress although I will give them a good water in the morning. I haven't thought about buirung the pots. Does sound extream Deffinatly worth some consideration.


Well-Known Member
for the future use smart pots your plants will thank you. You can check out root pouch thats the ones I used this season and they worked great. It was the same temps here as what your talking about. Also cover your pots so that the sun doesnt heat up because its black. I used tall grass to hide some of mine.Make sure your not using really cold water when you water as well just a tip im sure you all ready know. Cheers!


Active Member
Yeah cheers sounds good for next yr,
i always fill my watering can the previous evening a. To warm up the water and b. to get rid of the chlorine and other nasties in the tap water.


Active Member
for the future use smart pots your plants will thank you. You can check out root pouch thats the ones I used this season and they worked great. It was the same temps here as what your talking about. Also cover your pots so that the sun doesnt heat up because its black. I used tall grass to hide some of mine.Make sure your not using really cold water when you water as well just a tip im sure you all ready know. Cheers!
They will be staying under the pergola all day I decided


Well-Known Member
Haha yeh its bloody hot already at 730 , i wouldnt worry about it to much mate theres gonna be alot hotter days this year and probly consecutive days 35 + , plants will be alright


Active Member
Haha yeh its bloody hot already at 730 , i wouldnt worry about it to much mate theres gonna be alot hotter days this year and probly consecutive days 35 + , plants will be alright
Yeah regretting now Putting them under the pergola I was reading when I got to work that in my area it's only going to hit 32 by 3pm so unfortunately they are going to miss out on a great day,

im going to be getting into LST in a few days I'm excited to see how it all turns out,

happy gardening


Well-Known Member
my plants are about 5ft and pretty wide.
they are in full sun outdoor grow ,i only visit them every two weeks as they are hard to get to .
they had a 45 degrees day here in australia two days ago , went and visited them that afternoon after work and they were healthy as , not even wilted at all , they loved it, so for future reference im sure they can handle 38 degrees